If the primary borrower passes away is the co-borrower responsible for the loan?

%DETAILS% Answer Yes, a co-borrower is liable and responsible for a joint debt Understanding the process may help. When you finance a vehicle, you are not "buying a car". You are borrowing money that is secured by a car.

This is why the creditor insists that you have insurance during the term of the loan. They know that consumers don't understand this concept and that if the car gets wrecked or stolen they will not want to repay the loan Giving back the car would cause the account to be notated as a "voluntary repossession". The vehicle might be sold at auction and any remaining balance on the loan would be shown on your credit report as a charge off or collection account.

This is a significant derogatory entry on a consumers credit report. You should avoid this, as it may hinder you from getting another vehicle loan or other credit in the future. See if you can sell the car yourself and pay off the balance of the loan.

Contact the creditor and inform them of the situation, see if they will allow you to postpone payments, (with no derogatory information showing on your credit bureau file) while you attempt to sell the car.

This is why the creditor insists that you have insurance during the term of the loan. They know that consumers don't understand this concept and that if the car gets wrecked or stolen they will not want to repay the loan. Giving back the car would cause the account to be notated as a "voluntary repossession".

The vehicle might be sold at auction and any remaining balance on the loan would be shown on your credit report as a charge off or collection account. This is a significant derogatory entry on a consumers credit report. You should avoid this, as it may hinder you from getting another vehicle loan or other credit in the future.

See if you can sell the car yourself and pay off the balance of the loan. Contact the creditor and inform them of the situation, see if they will allow you to postpone payments, (with no derogatory information showing on your credit bureau file) while you attempt to sell the car. Yes, a co-borrower is liable and responsible for a joint debt.

Understanding the process may help. When you finance a vehicle, you are not "buying a car".

I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.

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