Woody Harrelson would play me because not only does he kind of look like me but many of the characters he has played in the past resemble parts of my personality and I feel he could do a great job as me. I am a little bit Mickey Knox, a little bit Woody from Cheers, and a little bit of Roy Munson in Kingpin, and a lotta bits of other things.
I would demand a retro look. Black and White with plenty of shadows to play with. I would also go back in time and have Betty Davis dye her hair red to play me... like she did in All about Eve.
She would be boisterous, head strong and speak her mind. She would also get her man, in the end... just like I have done in plenty of epic sagas that are my life. Regardless of which story she takes of my life... I know it'll be a bumpy movie!
Jeaneane Garofalo! She's not conventionally pretty, but she's not a hag either. She's very funny.As a humorist, I'd need a commedienne/actress to play me well.
I consider her role in Mystery Men as her successful application for the job.
I am going to have to say Erika Christensen or Nikki Reed depending on the role! If it's something more 'badass' then I would chose Nikki, she is good at those types of roles, but something more down to earth, simple and sweet I would pick Erika. Another reason for choosing Erika is I am always told I look like her...I don't see it...but maybe others do?
I would be incredbly honored to have Zooey Deschanel to play me. I think she'd do a pretty good job with my personality, too - though she's much, much prettier than I am!
I would choose Mathew Lillard. We mug (an exaggerated facial expression; grimace, as in acting) very much the same. Others would choose Andy Dick for me.
Since I am apparently insane. Thane.
If Bob Dylan can be cbsnews.com/stories/2007/10/08/entertain... played by Cate Blanchett then maybe I can be played by Penelope Cruz. :) However, I think I'd prefer Zachary Quinto. As a fan of Heroes and Star Trek I'd like that a lot.
And I think he'd do a good me.
Paul Giamatti hands down. Pulls of the same sarcasm and misanthropy that I like to think I evoke, but at the same time manages to capture my sweet and sincere side.
I would say Edward Norton, he is a great actor in portraying roles and he acts very well. I don't look like Edward Norton but he is one of my favorite actors.
I would have to pick Drew Barrymore. I think she is a delightful, brilliant, and refreshing actress, not to mention adorable. A movie about my life would be a comedy, so she would fit in just perfect with that.
I have seen her in interviews and she is always so happy and upbeat. I have watched her for years, ever since E.T., and even though she has had some problems in her personal life (haven't we all! ), she has managed to pick herself up and move on with dignity.
Sources: me! Autumn00™:0)'s Recommendations Music and Lyrics Amazon List Price: $18.98 Used from: $11.09 Average Customer Rating: 4.5 out of 5 (based on 87 reviews) E.T. - The Extra-Terrestrial (Widescreen Edition) Amazon List Price: $19.98 Used from: $9.99 Average Customer Rating: 4.5 out of 5 (based on 345 reviews) Drew Barrymore: The Biography Amazon List Price: $14.00 Used from: $8.74 Average Customer Rating: 3.0 out of 5 (based on 2 reviews) Drew Barrymore (Real-Life Reader Biography) Amazon List Price: $15.95 Used from: $5.35 Average Customer Rating: 5.0 out of 5 (based on 2 reviews) It wasn't the greatest movie, but 'Music and Lyrics' was fun to watch.
Someone close to the family Frankly, I really don't want any celebrity playing me. I am not famous and my life is not a high-profile one. I am just ordinary and I want an ordinary person to play me.
If I had a son - I don't for now, I will let him play me. This is not only about the familiar face, but most importantly, he gets to know his father better. By playing me, he has to understand my feeling, know my life experiences and think about me in a thorough yet different way.
I know I would be dying to play my father if there were a movie about him. Well, like I said, I don't have a son now, so let me settle with my much younger cousin, who is pretty close to me, or one of my nephews. Sources: No celebrity for me boxing's Recommendations Ordinary People Amazon List Price: $14.00 Used from: $0.15 Average Customer Rating: 4.0 out of 5 (based on 136 reviews) THE BEST OF THE DEAN MARTIN CELEBRITY ROASTS Used from: $8.00 Average Customer Rating: 2.0 out of 5 (based on 1 reviews) .
Gene Wilder Everyone else is probably going to say Brad Pitt, but not me. It's Gene Wilder all the way. Why?
I don't know how many people have told we resemble each other. And I suppose its better to resemble him than say, Bela Lugosi or Lassie! The problem with anyone playing me in my life story is that no one would believe the story - either as a real story or fiction.
But, maybe its time to get hold of Gene and give it a try. Oh, and that's a young Gene Wilder! Sources: My Life OldppieHatesNewAV's Recommendations Young Frankenstein Amazon List Price: $14.98 Used from: $7.99 Average Customer Rating: 4.5 out of 5 (based on 293 reviews) The Adventure of Sherlock Holmes' Smarter Brother Amazon List Price: $14.98 Used from: $6.99 Average Customer Rating: 4.0 out of 5 (based on 40 reviews) Silver Streak Amazon List Price: $9.98 Used from: $4.98 Average Customer Rating: 4.5 out of 5 (based on 55 reviews) The Gene Wilder from this era would be perfect.
And Young Frankenstein is a classic! Great flick! .
Katie Holmes Because she portrays a bubbly persona...sorta like me...in a much prettier way. Besides some guy, years ago, used to tell me that I sort of looked like her. He was such a liar!
I look nothing like her, except for the fact that I have brown hair and light eyes, but it was a nice sentiment...sort of. Hee Hee...do we all have those sorts of memories or do I just have weird life? .
Reese Witherspoon could play me well. Reese and I have some things in common. She loves fashion (Legally Blonde), she's blonde, she's intelligent, she loves dogs, and also has a great sense of humor.My humor would be a big part of the movie, since that is how I deal with most situations.
Reese was hilarious in her "Legally Blonde" movies. One talent she has on me - she did a wonderful job singing in "I Walk the Line", and I can't carry a tune. Txteacher's Recommendations Legally Blonde Amazon List Price: $14.98 Used from: $3.43 Average Customer Rating: 4.5 out of 5 (based on 538 reviews) Walk the Line (Widescreen Edition) Amazon List Price: $29.99 Used from: $5.69 Average Customer Rating: 4.5 out of 5 (based on 486 reviews) Legally Blonde 2 - Red, White & Blonde (Special Edition) Amazon List Price: $14.98 Used from: $0.89 Average Customer Rating: 2.5 out of 5 (based on 204 reviews) I think she can pull off a Texas accent, too!
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" "Why won't my DVD's play after I've painstakingly made a movie on muvee 6? " "where could I find the movie with barbara eden in it made in 1990" "If your life story was a major big budget movie- what movie star or starlette would play you?
I made- using windows movie maker- using a CD-RW disc- a movie w/ pics ( pics to music) won't play on anything EXCEPT~.
Will Nintendo do what Sony did (PSP UMDs that play movies)and sell specailly made media disc's for the Wii.
Where could I find the movie with barbara eden in it made in 1990.
I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.