If you already knew that you were going to die tomorrow, what would you do?

If I were to pass away the next day, I will treat the day normally and clear up my mind of non sensible things. Everyone might be into asking for forgiveness or forgiving people, but for me it's all about surrendering yourself to God, and ask for his forgiveness instead. He gave me the gift of life, and only he can take it away.

I'll just be thankful that I had the chance to experience how beautiful life is. Of course, I would wish I could live longer, but if that's my fate, then so be it! If I have the means and I have the money, I will try to make a difference in this world by helping people.

If I have enough, I would sell all my possessions to buy a few hectares of land away from the city, where it's not that expensive. I will choose a certain number of homeless families who deserve to be given a chance, and I will ask someone I trust, to help carry out my plans after I pass away. The land will be created into a new village where the chosen homeless people can stay, have a place to plant root crops, rice, fruit trees, etc., a school for the kids, a church for everyone, and everything that a community needs to start a new life.

If I won't die as expected, at least I will have the chance to carry out those plans myself, and I will have no regrets. Dying or not, we should always try to do something good simply because we give a damn.

I would write a letter to each one of my kids about how beautiful life is and how proud I am of them. I will also tell them in these letters that I know they will become great men. I will give these letters to my mom, so she will give them the letters after I die.

After writing the letters, I will spend all the time I have left with my kids, my mom and my husband. I would like that we eat, drink and celebrate my life. We all have to die, sooner or later, so I want to be happy and with my family when it happens..

I would tell everybody the truth about how I really feel and want have to care about hurting them sense I want be here. Espeically my mom. Theres so much I wish I could say but I know it would hurt her and my brothers would hate me.

I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.

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