I'm sorry, I choose immortality. I've watched all three I've had an on-going game with my siblings about time travel. I love ancient history, I love geology, I love cosmology, I love long term science I guess..... If I could watch, and gather, and learn, I would love to live forever.
I understand the loss you would feel always. Each close encounter would make it harder to live, but each time you would go through a catharsis and become whole again. I know, it sounds god-like and arrogant, but I would.
I would love to 'see' the long term physical effects of time and history. I would have loved to have met this woman. Her family and mine are linked :)
The $100 million. I think it would be terrible to know that everyone you ever love will die before you do. While many people will die before we do anyway, one can reasonably expect to leave their children, grandchildren, etc., behind them, and have the pleasure of knowing that they have lived a good life, and are leaving what they have and their memories to their descendants.
It would be so intensely lonely to know that all of the people you care about will be mere flash-in-the-pan relationships, compared to the overall length of your life. With $100 million, you could definitely enjoy your life, improve the lives of others, and I think die pretty happy.
By choosing immortality, I would be fearful that I would be placing myself in a situation that could result in a very long, and intolerable life. Not only would I have to experience the loss of my own children, but then knowing I would never reunite with them in a spiritual world, would be unbearable. I would be forced to live alone, being unable to have a close relationship, knowing I would eventually see their end.
Being unable to fully explain to anyone why I am still alive, several hundred years later. Or if you have a "conspiracy theory" like attitude, consider this. Eventually I'm sure someone would figure out my "secret".
We are saying immortal, not invincible. So let's say that for medical and scientific research, the government decides to "study" my amazing life span. That may never end.Ever.
I would be the model of a scientific experiment forever. And ever. And ever.Forever.No Thank you!
I will happily take the wealth, and live for a few decades happy, helping people, enjoying my family and being free to explore the world. If my family was taken care of, if I had helped to change the lives of others, if I had experienced all that this world and my life could offer, I could die peacefully.
If you lived forever, either you would have to be very lucky in the lottery or would have to work for your entire life - how boring would that be. Plus you would be accused of being a vampire or who knows what. You would see amazing things, but it would get boring and exhausting after a while.
You might even see the end of humanity. WOW! Anyhow I would take the money and enjoy a shorter life.
I wouldn't want to be immortal, eventually everyone you know will be dead. What happens if you reach the end? Would you really want to be the only person alive?
I would take the 100 million.
I do not wish to be immortal. Dying is a normal, natural part of life and believing otherwise is simply a means of denial. Further, it would be only me who was immortal, not my entire family.
This would mean that I would survive my husband and would have to bury my children (and potentially even have to watch them die). For this reason alone (and without wanting to seem greedy over the large amount of money) I think I would select the other option. The $100 million could go a long way and I could do much good here on Earth, likely much more than I could effect being immortal.It would not only help my family to remain financially stable for the remainder of our lives, but I could contribute to our communities as well and help others in need.
The money could help boost our local school systems and allow them to purchase more learning materials for the students. It could be donated to pay for very ill patients who lack the financial resources to pay for necessary surgeries or other medical treatments that could save their lives or improve their state of health. If accepting the $100 million would shorten my lifespan, well, I guess that would have to be something I would have to learn to deal with, since as human beings we face potentially life-threatening situations every day of our lives.
Every time we set foot into our cars, boats, motorcycles, and other motorized vehicles, there is a possibility that we do not exit the vehicle alive. Further, debilitating illnesses and diseases cripple the health of people nationwide every day, therefore none of us are immune to the numerous factors around us that could advance our mortality and shorten our lifespan. That being said, if I could have a guarantee to live to a certain age and have my lifespan shortened by a certain number of years (let’s say 10 years) it would give me time to prepare emotionally and psychologically for my future time of death.
Thus, as long as I could still live a long and fulfilling life with my loved ones and my life would not end in the next 30 or 40 years, I might just agree to option # 2 (the money).
I'd rather have $100 million dollars albeit with a shortened lifespan than being immortal. I can use the money to help other people and that would make me feel better that at least I have done something meaningful and made a difference in other people's lives. I don't want to be immortal because I want to rest and I think the final rest would be the life lived with God the creator of life.
And if I will become immortal it would be very lonely I think because my family and friends will be gone and I will be left behind. I don't want to live an immortal life where I can see my friends pass away leaving me behind.
In the total recall of that moment the miserable Midas will recognize the utter emptiness of a life lived without God. The time which had been worth a million dollars a year will be seen in retrospect as vainly squandered. The agonizing remorse of that instant in eternity will overpower the mind and constitute the most sensitive and supreme punishment that anyone will ever have to suffer.
Now, aren't you thankful that we are still living in the realm of time where things can be changed?
I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.