It would be a lot of fun when vacation is spend together with family and friends.. I love the snow so a ski vacation trip in South America is what I prefer for this year. Bariloche in Argentina is our prospect destination.
If I could travel and vacation anywhere in the world, then I would go sailing ''down under'' to Australia! I would love to see kangaroos running in herds by the thousands the way we see them in movies, not in a zoo just sitting there staring at me. The Australian accent is cool!
It would be so awesome to hear everyone speaking that way. There are so many songs and movies and restaurants about what it's like down under – I want to see, taste and hear for myself what it is like. I would love to have shrimp off the barbi, for example!
From what I gather, too, Australia is even less populated than the US, and there are vast open spaces that are quite breathtaking. Come to think of it, maybe this desire was planted in my by an Australian Tourism film they showed at school when I was 9 or 10 years old... “When you see the Southern Cross for the first time, you'll understand just why you came this way...â€? €“ Crosby, Stills & Nash - “Southern Crossâ€?.
If I had to choose one place to travel to out of the whole world…. I think I would choose somewhere in Europe. Majority of my heritage is from Europe, and I’m the type of person who loves to see my roots.
I would most likely go to Germany and I would take my grandmother along with me. She speaks fluent German, I speak some, and I think it would be easiest to travel there. As much as I would love to go to Russia since I am half Russian I think Germany may be a safer bet.
I would love to go visit the concentration camps, no I’m not twisted, I’m just interested in the happenings during the Holocaust for some reason. My grandmother used to live outside of Dachau and she met my grandfather there when he was stationed in the US army. Not only would it be a point of interest but I think it would be awesome to see where my grandmother grew up, her old home, where she went to school and so on.
I would also love to see some of the many cultural sites in Germany; I would love to go during Oktoberfest now that would be fun! Although I would love to travel everywhere in the world, I think I would start off with Germany for sure! This picture is of the front gates to Dachau
Thailand,because of the beautiful beaches and the good facilities of the resort and of course Delicious food and free massage, Since you are in travel vacation visit here in Thailand.
If I had unlimited time I would take a world cruise. I have always wanted to take a cruise and since I can't decide on which one place I want to go I will choose a world cruise so that I am able to just go from port to port and visit a little on every continent. I owuld love to go to Egypt.
I also would love to see Europe. Going to Europe and seeing all the places that I read about in English Literature would be so fascinating. Seeing the Emerald Isle and Buckingham Palace.
Then there is South America. I want to see Brazil and the Amazon river. Going on a cruise means that I would get to travel through the Panama canal. Also high on my list is Australia.
Stopping in at New Zealand while I was that close of course. So since I can't decide on one place I would choose to visit them all by taking a world cruise.
If I had to choose one place to travel to out of the whole world…. I think I would choose somewhere in Europe. Majority of my heritage is from Europe, and I’m the type of person who loves to see my roots.
I would most likely go to Germany and I would take my grandmother along with me. She speaks fluent German, I speak some, and I think it would be easiest to travel there. As much as I would love to go to Russia since I am half Russian I think Germany may be a safer bet.
I would love to go visit the concentration camps, no I’m not twisted, I’m just interested in the happenings during the Holocaust for some reason. My grandmother used to live outside of Dachau and she met my grandfather there when he was stationed in the US army. Not only would it be a point of interest but I think it would be awesome to see where my grandmother grew up, her old home, where she went to school and so on.
I would also love to see some of the many cultural sites in Germany; I would love to go during Oktoberfest now that would be fun! Although I would love to travel everywhere in the world, I think I would start off with Germany for sure! This picture is of the front gates to Dachau
If I had to choose one place to travel to out of the whole world…. I think I would choose somewhere in Europe. Majority of my heritage is from Europe, and I’m the type of person who loves to see my roots.
I would most likely go to Germany and I would take my grandmother along with me. She speaks fluent German, I speak some, and I think it would be easiest to travel there. As much as I would love to go to Russia since I am half Russian I think Germany may be a safer bet.
I would love to go visit the concentration camps, no I’m not twisted, I’m just interested in the happenings during the Holocaust for some reason. My grandmother used to live outside of Dachau and she met my grandfather there when he was stationed in the US army. Not only would it be a point of interest but I think it would be awesome to see where my grandmother grew up, her old home, where she went to school and so on.
I would also love to see some of the many cultural sites in Germany; I would love to go during Oktoberfest now that would be fun! Although I would love to travel everywhere in the world, I think I would start off with Germany for sure!
I've been to a lot of places already, and many of them would be wonderful to go back to. One place I've never been is Antarctica. I think that would be an incredible, other-wordly experience. If I could travel *anywhere* - not liimited to the world - I would happily indulge in Space Tourism.
I would go to different countries in Europe, if I could travel anywhere in the world. I would go to Spain, France and Italy, before going to any other country. The reason is that I have never been to that part of the world and I would like to see different places, try the food in those places and learn about people there and their language.
I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.