I would be stuck with Barrack Obama or whoever the current president is at the time. For one reason alone, the chances of getting rescued would be far greater. No one cares about me, but the President missing?
Someone is gonna find them. Not to mention I'd probably get to drink som beer in the rose garden once we got back home.
It would be Ray Mears the English survival expert who as well as being extremely useful at keeping you alive he is a very chilled out and intelligent man. raymears.com/?gclid=COuLsr6o7J0CFU0A4wod... en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ray_Mears.
I would probably pick my mother....it would turn into something fun if she was around...She's very knowledgable on survival too which would help greatly... Now if I had to pick a celebrity I would chose Angelina....she seems like she would know how to get out of a sticky situation....She has had lots of different kinds of training, and has been many places...who knows she could build a raft and we could be home free...plus she is good lookin' can't argue with that!
I would choose my mother. If I get stranded in an island, for sure I will be very scared, and who do you call for comfort everytime, isn't it your mother, that's what I feel. Most of us, has a mother who is a friend , a mentor, an adviser, etc.,etc. , let alone she knows how to cook, talks a lot, organises everything, etc, what else can you ask for someone to accompany you on a deserted island.
Honestly I don't care as long as they can't talk. I am a therapist and I listen to people talk and complain all day long so I'm thinking I don't want to be stranded on an island with anyone because I don't want to listen to them yammering on the entire time - maybe some one who is mute - that might work out really well for me - a mute who knows really good survival skills who could help us take care of ourselves out there but leave us in peace ;) Can you tell I've been in the midst of a drama filled week already sigh!
I would pick one of the women from previous episodes of Survivor. Who better to learn survival skills than someone who has been there. On Survivor All Stars the ones who had been through it previously clearly had the advantage because they had the skills to survive.
It's a tough choice but I'll say Byron Burch. He is not only a champion homebrewer and author of a number of books on homebrewing; but, he is also a champion Mead brewer. Even if the raw materials for beer are not to be found on the desert island, there is a decent chance of honey for mead.
I think having Mr. Burch for a companion would give me the best chance of good beer or mead to drink until we were rescued. But are you sure I can't have Stormy Daniels?
A Navy SEAL! They can protect, live, and sustain in any situation...
I would want to be with someone who I have common interests with. Someone who would keep good company,We could be there for a looooong time right. I would go with Rachel Ray.
She likes to talk,seems like she would be great company and also she could probably create some great food with what we find on the island.
I would choose my teen daughter, who is the only person I know of that would be unaffected by being sent to a deserted island with me, but only if the island could sustain us both. I could never sentence anyone to that kind of life-altering event. Famous stars would lament the loss of their home and livelihood.
Friends of mine have lives entirely rooted in the world. My mother and sister would both panic at the loss of life as they knew it. My daughter would not be affected by suddenly having to live on a deserted island with me.
She is the kind of person who cares little about being social or pursuing what the world has to offer. Her personality amazes me. She wants to be a M.E.Or a coroner when she grows up.
She has been through and done so much in her life, and she is a survivor. Not only can I see she and I creating awesome shelter and finding a way to eat like queens, but I'd never lack for intelligent conversation. The things we could teach each other would be awesome!
I see her as being very open to learning whatever she would have to learn to survive, such as growing food. By the time we left the island, we would have written a book on our adventure on tree bark, and have it ready to be transcribed and published.
Rachel Maddow. And I wouldn't want to leave.
My older sister, I've been trying to get her attention forever, now I'll finally have it all to myself! I'm joking, but we'd have fun together and we're good at working together, she's got the common sense and I've got the cleverness. We'd either figure a way out or a way to live comfortably together.
Hmm... definitely not my mum. She'll just complain and nag on me non-stop so I'll probably want to be someone like Oprah. I could talk with her for hours about anything under the sun.
I'd like her to share stories too during her trips to other countries to reach out for the poor people there. :) I'd like to do the same someday. And since Oprah is stuck with me, I bet a rescue will soon come in.
HAHA! So I learned a lot of things with her, and after being saved, I could apply those in my life! :).
Michael Phelps, hands down. Great swimmer, he could go and catch fish for me and if I fell into the water, rescue me. I would also work on lowering his self-esteem because having too much is bad for you.
Although, his appetite would be a problem. One last thing I would like to add, he has very long appendages, you know what I'm talking about! ;D.
I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.