If you had to kill an innocent person in order to save your loved one's life, would you do it?

Gosh that is a tough question to answer. However, I have to say as humans we tend to be pretty selfish and eager to protect our own from harm, even at the dire and unthinkable cost of another person’s safety or life. If it came down to saving my children’s or even my husband’s life at the cost of another person’s life, then “selfishly” (and as a mother caring deeply for her children, wanting to protect them from harm and wanting only the best for them) I would do anything in my power to ensure that my loved ones lived.

However, I would truly hope that I would never have to find out or come face-to-face with the details on the person that had to give up his or her life in return.

I'd like to say I'd make the right choice, whatever that is, but the truth is, I'd save my loved one, especially if it were my child. I'd want to believe I'd "do the right thing," depending on the circumstances, but in the heat of the moment, I think motherly instincts would overrule my ethics.

Of course. If someone is gonna die regardless, I'd rather it was someone I didn't know, than someone I loved. Brutal, but gotta go with it.

No I will never do it is like saying: my children life, in danger, is worth more than that of that boy over there that is not in danger, it is incredibly self serving. It like consuming more than you need, like having a car bigger than the car you need, egotist and worth punishment Regards Sergio.

I could not knowingly allow my loved one to die. So I would have to say that I would take someone else's life to save theirs. This wouldn't be a first choice of course, but if there were no other options, I would.

I would, to save my family. The reason is simple. I don't know that person, but I know & I love my family.Thanks.

You had better be ready to meet your maker, so to speak. No hesitation whatsoever. This is why Christianity is so unique among religions, and why it is such a compelling story.

God gave his only Son to die so that his enemies might live. And Jesus gave his life willingly, no one could take it from him. Oops, sorry to be a preacher.

It's just that whenever I think about letting my son die, I think about what God did, and how I wouldn't have done it if I were him. But that's a different question and a different answer.

If these questions worked to my favor then yes. But would also depend on who the innocent person is.

I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.

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