If you were on hold for four hours in a single day, what sort of music would you prefer the hold music to be?

Would be really cool if the music was tied into Pandora. This way you can generate playlists on the fly.

If you're on hold 4 hours in a single day I don´t think any music will save you from killing someone! :-D But if you want nice music, that everyone can tolerate, you should consider "white" music, instrumental, simple, basic, so it can be processed easily by whomever is listening. No lyrics, no complex melodies.

I'm sure you can even compose it online, if you wanted to. Or use a simple DJ program to compose a nice, friendly, 10/20 minute loop of easy listening music. It won´t get you any Grammys but it will prevent you from being killed by your costumers :-).

Michael Bublé. I'll never get tired of that guy. I think many people who are patient enough to wait for four hours on the phone are classy enough to enjoy that kind of music, you know, Frank Sinatra, etc.

I'd want to be able to select my own. Some VoIP PBX software has the ability for the person to select the "channel" of music they'd like to listen too. Or better yet... offer a reliable call-back & queue service.

Tell the person about to be on hold that they will receive an automatic call back when the next opperator becomes avaliable and give them the option to enter an alternative callback number (a cell for example). At the same time you give the person the call-back option, give them a unique numeric code so that they can return to the queue at any time. The script might go something like this: "Welcome to ABC company.

Thank-you very much for calling. Unfortunately, all of our support operators are currently busy. You're welcome to wait on the line, however for your convinence, we have an advanced phone system.

If you would like to receive an automatic phone call back, please press 1 now. > Again, we apologize for the delay however we take support very seriously and want to ensure that each of our clients is very well taken care of. Thank-you for using the automated call-back service.

Immediately when the next representative is available, you will automatically be called at xxx-xxx-xxxx. If you would like to enter an alternative phone number (for example a cell phone) please feel free to enter it now and we'll call that number instead. >" I hope that this helps.

Mainstream Radio aka Popular Radio aka Top 100 Radio.

I've been on hold for more than 4 hours in a single day many many times when calling the IRS as well as some other very slow companies. I actually prefer when there is no music at all, but then you wouldn't necessarily know right away if they hung up on you.(which has happened to me) But if I have to listen to anything, I'd rather Mozart than some soft-rock garbage or no lyric knockoff of a popular song. Classical music is a classic hold tone.

If you want to hear what great hold music is, you should call me right now and I'll put you on hold for 4 hours. Private question me for my phone number.

The Pat Metheny Group is easy to listen to (patmetheny.com/) but isn't easy listening (listen to the album Secret Story). Bruce Hornsby's music is wide ranging, exciting, and danceable. Both have a discography that is far more than 4 hours longs.

Cool question! (No, that's not intentional sucking-up - I really think it's cool. ) I'd definitely want to hear anything from the late sixties-early seventies; i.E.

The Beatles' Abbey Road, Pink Floyd's Dark Side of the Moon, or Led Zeppelin's Led Zeppelin IV (which features Stairway to Heaven).

I particularly like classical music as hold music. It's much easier on the ears that a lot of more modern music. Also, there are many genres of more modern music where the ones you don't like can sound quite offensive and grating whereas classical music is very generic.

I tend to like orchestral pieces since the many instruments create a nice blended sound. I also don't want to have a recorded human voice break in every 30 seconds reminding me that I'm on hold and someone will be with me as soon as possible... Also, please don't cycle continuously through the same 10 minute clip! That can make almost anything sound bad after a few listens.

Any company that makes people wait for that long should go out of business. That is simply unacceptable. I suppose a wait like that is the norm for any government agency.

They do what they do with no sense of urgency whatsoever. Classical works best since it really can't, "offend" anybody. But you shouldn't have to wait that long.Period.

Italian opera. And no, I don't think too many other people would like it!

I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.

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