I'm a college student looking for an intern job as a P.A. How do I go about getting one? Any Advice?

I can not give a whole lot of advice on this one.. But I can share a site that may give you some leads.. This looks like it maybe helpful and informative.. Let me know if that helps. . campusinternships.com.

Just hired, now I have to quit. I'm looking for a quick consult with a Boston lawyer with primary in employment contract law - ideally by end of day tomorrow. I just need to run a Do Not Compete contract by them to determine legality and scope.

Please help me, hivemind! What kind of jobs could I do remotely? In the next year, me and mr. desjardins are embarking on a nomadic lifestyle (in the U.S.).

Given my skillset, what kinds of jobs could I do remotely? Or what kinds of temp work could I pick up while we stay someplace for 2-3 months? A job while I train for a career?

I'm currently in school for a 2-year degree in biomedical equipment technology (how to fix medical stuffs). While I'm going through the program, I'd like to have a part-time job that, in some way, could be a resume builder...but I also need to make semi-decent money. Please help me plan for life after graduation!

I will be graduating soon and I have no idea what I want to do. I really don't want to be unemployed but it seems that way right now. What are your experiences?

What helpful advice can you give me regarding on how I should proceed? Going into business with friends, maybe. What does the law say?

Four friends are embarking on a creative endeavor, which may turn into a business. We just finished making up a logo and are about to purchase a web domain. What sort of legal actions/responsibilities should we be doing to protect all parties and fulfill all legal requirements in the American state of Georgia?

How do I figure out how many people a publicly traded company employs in a state? How would I find out how many jobs are in a state from a publicly traded company? Non-drug strategies for improving concentration when depressed?

Due to depression, I'm having a lot of trouble concentrating at work. Are there non-drug strategies that I can try? Is stealing a big issue at work, or just sort of, meh?

I'm looking for part-time work that doesn't interfere with my schedule (M-F 9-5) is either a)temporary, b)occasional/intermittent, or c)a low # of hours? - any suggestions for fields? I relocated to NYC and am looking for a job outside of my typical role.

I think I'm going about it the wrong way - can you suggest good strategies for finding an interesting (and not necessarily tremendously lucrative) job or gigs in an unfamiliar city? How can I fit my nocturnal self into a diurnal world? I'm almost nocturnal but feel almost guilty about it, and don't see it working out in the long run with a family even though it is the perfect set-up for me right now while I'm on my own still.

Definitely want a family, though... Any advice or similar situations solved or coped with? What are the largest Canadian job-search/job-posting aggregation sites these days? How can I make this English-teaching-in-Japan thing happen (again)?

How can I find a teaching job in Japan, with a Masters degree in TESOL and 17 years of teaching experience? I guess this isn't your usual "I want to teach in Japan" question, since I'm qualified enough to compete in the tough market, but how do I go about it? I somewhat successfully moved out of this situation...But I'm too drained to make any major moves forward, even though the urgency is much greater.

17-year-old Need Job. What and How? My teenager would like to find a job.

What are the best resources for finding a job for a 17-year-old high school graduate in Montreal? How about New York? All in the line of work?

My recruiter placed the person who got the job offer instead of me! Tell me about contract employment, please. I applied for a contract position for a local city government.

I don't know what a contract position entails, and I have a few questions for anyone with experience as a contract worker (or hiring contract workers) for city jobs. Which job, where? Help me figure out which of these jobs to take.

Tips for working with recruiters? I am looking for a job and am starting to work with some external recruiting firms. Do you have any suggestions/advice/wisdom for me?

I've landed in a dead-end job, but it's hard for me to overcome my anxiety about retraining or changing the direction of my career. How should I perform an objective, reasonable risk-reward analysis in the face of imperfect options and information? Where's the Gift of Fear for the workplace?

What did you first notice about your supervisor, coworkers, subordinates, or office environment when you were about to take a job that turned out to be a negative experience? Can you help me get hired at SpaceX? Can you help me get hired at SpaceX?

I'd like some advice on whether it's worth pursuing an ex-employer to tribunal for unlawful dismissal. This was stressful enough the first time! I declined an offer from company A to work at company B.

My contract was cut short due to rebudgeting/reprioritizing projects, totally out of the left field. I ate humble pie, and asked company A if they are still looking to add to their team. They said they'll get back to me in a week.

In the meantime I've been contacted by and interviewed at company C and discovered that I love them to death. They love me. They're going to make an offer in the next few days, and I so badly want to take it.

I just don't want to appear a crappy offer declining jerk to company A! Jobless in Duluth (MN). How to become job-ful?

My employment contract has the following line in it "Employees are expected to devote their whole time service to the work". Can anyone explain what "whole time service" means in respect to employment? I'm a teacher in the UK.

Just moved here, may I walk your dog/serve your burger/tutor your child? Just how tough is the minimum wages and/or temping jobs market? If I were to move to Chicago tomorrow, how long would it take me to get some sort (any sort) of employment?

To stay or not to stay in Japan? My search for an ideal job in Japan continues: To go back to America and attend the DISCO Boston Career Fair or to stay in Japan? How to applying for biotech faculty and industry jobs simultaneously?

I am applying for tenure-track molecular biology faculty positions in the US. My skills are also in high demand in industry. Offers for faculty jobs I apply to now should come anywhere from late Feb to early May with a lot of flexibility on how long I have for acceptance.

I suppose that biotech industry positions will have a much shorter timescale from application to their decision and how long I have for mine, but I'm not entirely sure. If I want to maximize my options in the spring, when should I start inquiring about industry jobs? How do I go about getting hired for a position that doesn't exist: a High School Russian teacher?

Why is paid time off so hard to negotiate? What is the purpose of rigid paid-time off policies? I'm a young Australian, and I want to work in Asia.

How do I make that happen? Special career snowflake needs advice. Graduating in December.

How do I market myself to employers? Special snowflake details inside. What can I do to help prevent an employee I supervise from having to reimburse a ton of money due to an error in my supervisor's office?

I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.

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