Considering Toyota's long track record, I would consider this latest scandal just a blip in their history. Keep checking out Consumer Reports for all the latest reviews, and make a smart decision, not a decision based off negative hype.
What I would say is YES! Go for it! The recalls are on the newer version cars and of course they are running into some serious and some not so serious problems, HOWEVER!
The older versions have ZERO problems plus are listed as top 10 Teen fav cars because they are dependable as well as stylish! Toyota Corolla - This Toyota vehicle shares many of the characteristics of the Honda Civic and is a favorite among teenagers as both a new and used vehicle. It's reliable, with good performance, has plenty of room inside, and there are many options from after-market companies for styling and performance improvements.
Buyers of this vehicle, and others in our list, should consider getting the stability control option when available. It's one of the most effective safety features being offered on cars today. The Corolla is priced at about $13,700 for base models.
If the Corolla is not quite large enough, look at the Toyota Camry, one the best-selling cars in America for the last few years. On a SMART note: The Toyota Corolla will ALWAYS hold its resale value! It doesn't matter if its a 1980 version or a brand new one!
They are selling Corollas on as we write for more money they you may think its worth but they are selling like HOT CAKES because they are such great cars! No doubt in my mind, you find the right one, for the right price and you will have no problem what so ever at all! Keep oil in it, keep water in it and you're good to go!
I'd say, when it comes to driving, you're already taking your life into your own hands, as well as any other passengers' lives. So, why would you want to risk it? Especially as your first car.
Used cars can be great, but with Toyota's recent problems, I wouldn't trust any of it's models, new or old. And this isn't because I hate Toyota or their vehicles; I'm just trying to look out for your safety and others who drive with you. Maybe I'm taking it a little on the safe side, but... that's how I roll, I guess :) There are plenty of other cars just as good as the Corolla, like the Ford Focus or the Honda Civic.So why don't you go for one of these?
I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.