Im looking for a PDA type thing that opens pdf's, has a planner, has wifi(or SD slot), and has QWERTY

Im looking for a PDA type thing that opens pdf's, has a planner, has wifi(or SD slot), and has QWERTY Id like something that I can use for scanning in copies of my school texts, and carry one thing around. Ghlighting would be great, I know I need a tablet PC but I don't want to spend more then 200. A daily planner however is a must, qwerty keyboard would be great but not necessary.

Same with the wifi. Asked by ptcu10 47 months ago Similar questions: im PDA type thing opens pdf's planner wifi SD slot QWERTY keyboard help Computers > Software.

Similar questions: im PDA type thing opens pdf's planner wifi SD slot QWERTY keyboard help.

Palm TX or E2 would work Either the Palm TX ($299, often on sale for $200ish) or the Palm E2 ($199) would work fairly well for you. Both have SD card slots and both can run an application called PalmPDF that does a good job reading PDF files on the card. It doesn't have a highlight feature, but you can set annotated bookmarks in the PDF and copy text to a scratchpad for later use.

The TX has a larger screen (320x480), more memory, and built-in WiFi. The E2 has the smaller 320x320 screen and only has Bluetooth for wireless. Both have Palm's excellent PIM applications for keeping track of your calendar, contacts, and to-dos.

You can get a wireless keyboard that works with either device pretty cheaply. I also really like reading ebooks on the Palm TX using the eReader Pro program, as that gives the best view on the screen. If you want to spend more money, the newer Nokia N810 is really nice; it's got a 800x480 screen and runs a version of Linux, has faster Wifi, and comes with more internal storage.It's also got a slideout keyboard and built-in GPS.

Unfortunately, it doesn't come with standard PIM applications, so you'll have to go looking for a 3rd-party program to keep track of that information. Unwiredben's Recommendations Palm TX Handheld Amazon List Price: $299.99 Used from: $185.00 Average Customer Rating: 3.5 out of 5 (based on 14 reviews) Palm Tungsten E2 w/Wireless Keyboard Pak Amazon List Price: $209.00 Average Customer Rating: 4.0 out of 5 (based on 1 reviews) .

The Palm Tungsten E2 would be your best bet. I went through this same quandary last fall. My wife wanted the same setup as you, except she wanted bible study software as well.

The choices are difficult, but there are options available to you. The $200 limit is the primary constraint. To be honest, you won't get what you're wanting to do for $200.

However, for $299, the Palm T|X can do most of what you're looking for. It can open PDF's, and has WI-FI built in, as well as an SD slot. It doesn't have a QWERTY keyboard, but you can bring a software one up in the PDA, or buy an external keyboard accessory.

With the addition of Franklin Covey's ( Plan Plus day planner software (around $60), you have your day planner needs taken care of. It integrates into Outlook, and synchronizes your email, tasks, calendar, and notes ( or any subset of those) between your PC and your Palm. You don't have to synchronize, though - you can use it in a stand alone mode only.

You can go down to the Palm Tungsten E2, which costs about $199, but it doesn't have the Wi-Fi built in. It can sync with your PC using Bluetooth, though. Palm also has a Z22 model for $99, that doesn't have Bluetooth or an SD slot.

The storage on these models is small however, (26 MB for the Tungsten, 20 MB for the Z22) while the T|X has 100 MB available to the user without an SD card. I'd really recommend that you spend the $400 for a T|X, Plan Plus software, & an SD card if you're wanting to do this right. You'll be much happier with your flexibility, and you won't have plunked down $2000-2500 for a tablet PC ( I bought THAT for my daughter last month!)I've attached a link to Palm's website so you can look over the PDA's they have available.

( I did not consider smartphones, since they have a data plan cost , which typically runs between $60-80/month, depending on the carrier. I hope this helps! Sources: .

I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.

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