I'll make this short, sweet and to the point. P Hop is different from Rap, BECAUSE... p Hop is a culture and Rap is jus an element of that culture. Edit part: Im adding this to shed more light on this subject to everyone... p Hop contains 4 main elements, maybe even 5 to some... BUT, the four main elements are Emcee'ing, Bboying, Grafitti Art, and DJ'ing.
The 5th that most people believe in is Philosophy or Knowledge. .. you cant put it as a music style, cause ultimately... rap is still a part of hip hop. Its like saying a rapper isnt an emcee because he does rap.
Rap is a style of music. Its beats are more harder hitting as with the lyrics. The only reason why people seperate the two(hip hop and rap) are because artists like atmosphere, the roots, de la soul etc etc, put theyre lyrics over a more smooth and mellow beat rather than a bass pounding beat like nwa, or the game.
This PSA vid is brought to you by Unique Styles crew (listen to the last 15 seconds, its how I feel).
I see it this way: rap is a lyrical style, while hip hop is a musical/dance style. P hop often contains rap, but not necessarily, and rap can be a part of any kind of music.
In MY opinion - p Hop is more dance and Rap is more spoken word. You can dance more to p Hop because there is more music involved, whereas Rap is more about the beat and rhythm of the lyrics.
I don't have my own opinions about this, but here is some food for thought about the topic. “The difference between rap and hip-hop is like the difference between saying you love somebody, and actually being in love. Rap is just a word.” - Brown Sugar (2002).
I've always considered hip-hop to be more the fun, party stuff (ATCQ, De La, J5) and rap to be the more hard core (NWA, Ice-T, Too $hort).
Here's my $0.02... p-hop contains more "sung" lyrics. As opposed to just speaking them out in style like rap, most hip-hop artists attempt some voice fluctuation...and the beat is more built for dance.
Phop is an entire cultural phenomenon into which rap could possibly be included although it has since the 80's developed a subculture of it's own. Other facets of hiphop include break dancing and graffiti artistry. My 2c.
I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.