Ipod ear buds--right and left? Is there a difference?

Similar questions: Ipod ear buds right left difference.

Consumer Electronics > MP3 Players & Accessories.

Same reason that headphones are. Stereo audio has different channels for the left and right ears, so the music will sound different if you switch the earbuds. If you're listening to the song for the first time, you may not notice, but if it's something you're familiar with it will probably be quite apparent that something is odd..

It's for music in stereo It's not that our hearing is different, but that music recorded in stereo will send different signals to the left and right speakers, this makes the music more immersive.

Hearing isn't different, but channels(right/left) are The channels are different for "stereo" effects. It is similar to when you can hear the music move from speaker to speaker on a standard stereo multi speaker setup.

This is more to do with the shape of the earbuds than the sound. I imagine that certain earbuds are only designed to go in either the left or the right side otherwise they would feel uncomfortable. This practice is usually only done on the more expensive earbuds where there is actually a lot of thought being put into the design of buds.

Much in the same way that labels are put on products to make them seem like they are more valuable than they actually are (like DELUXE Something-or-other or SUPER Thingamajig) I would think that this is the same on lower end earbuds. Having L and R on the headphones make them seem like they were designed specifically for only those ears and it gives the impression of higher value as opposed to earbuds that have no markings to specify which side they are to go in. Your next question might be, "So are my iPod earbuds actually cheap?"

Short answer, yes. Long answer, when you compare them to higher end earbuds like the Shure E-Series (shure.com/PersonalAudio/Products/Earphon...) for example, they are most certainly worthless. However, due to the environment that earbuds must perform in (your eardrum being extremely close in proximity to the source of the sound, virtually no outside interference (at least when the earbud is completely isolated in your ear canal) and the extremely low decibel level at which the drivers in the buds must perform) there is a lot of leeway given in the quality of the product before you start to notice the difference between high-end and low-end earbuds.So while your iPod earbuds might not be worth all that much, they will still do the job "relatively" well.

(Relatively is in quotes because this depends on your preference in audio and how picky you tend to be with it. ) I’m not certain if there is any research or sources that would backup by opinion as this is only from my experience in audio, engineering and my involvement between these two worlds.(I’m a computer engineering student with 4+ years professional experience and an avid audiophile.) So, take this at face value. ;) Also, Askville seems to be messing up so if any of this is misformatted or repeated, it was not I.

Sources: My experience. Placer14's Recommendations Shure E3c-n Sound Isolating Earphones (Black) Amazon List Price: $214.80 Used from: $126.99 Average Customer Rating: 4.5 out of 5 (based on 23 reviews) Shure E4c-n Sound Isolating Earphones (Black) Amazon List Price: $319.99 Average Customer Rating: 4.0 out of 5 (based on 25 reviews) Shure E500PTH Sound Isolating Earphones Amazon List Price: $549.00 Used from: $349.00 Average Customer Rating: 5.0 out of 5 (based on 28 reviews) Just a few of the Shure earphones that Amazon offers. Simply another reference..

Poppet! Said: 1 Placer14, regarding your answer "This is more to do with the shape of the earbuds than the sound. ":I can't imagine spending that much for earbuds!

But great answer! .

Placer14, regarding your answer "This is more to do with the shape of the earbuds than the sound. ":I can't imagine spending that much for earbuds! But great answer!

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Difference between mp3 players and mp4 players.

I have an ipod nano 4gb and it came with ear buds. I do not like the ear buds because they fall out. Any suggestions?

I just bought a Ipod Nano 3rd generation 4gb. I want a case for it that also holds the ear buds. Any suggestions?

I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.

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