Is an "Official Size Varsity Basketball" the same size and style as any other basketball?

Need a basketball for the hubby to play hoops in our driveway. He wants to make sure it has plenty of the "bumpy" treads to keep a good grip.Do you have a basketball you'd recommend? Hopefully under $30, or even under $20 if possible.

Asked by PenguinSage 57 months ago Similar questions: Official Size Varsity Basketball size style basketball Sports & Recreation > Basketball.

Similar questions: Official Size Varsity Basketball size style basketball.

Official Varsity Size is 29.5", same as NBA Basketball sizes vary, based on who the primary player is. The official varsity size of the Spalding NBA ball on Amazon for $8.83 (, is 29.5" circumference (size 7), the same size they use in the NBA. Junior balls (or size 5) are 27.75", while women's basketballs are 28.5” (size 6).

For playing outside you should look for an indoor/outdoor ball, made of rubber or composite leather. The ball I linked to is rubber and has pebbling, which should give the tread he'd like. Rubber tends to be stickier or tackier than leather, which is a personal taste.

If you're hesitant about buying a basketball online sight unseen, Wal-Mart, Target and other large retailers should carry similar ones so check it out - but shows a price of $17.99 for a similar rubber Spaulding ball, and composite leather balls will run a little more expensive. If cost is a concern, consider comparing types of balls at a brick and mortar store (rubber vs. leather, various sizes and different brands) and finding a deal on it online. is a deal on a Rawlings composite leather ball for $14.79.

Don't forget to have a pump handy, with a needle. Sources: .

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