Is Bladerunner the greatest science fiction film of all time?

Today the director's ultimate cut of Bladerunner is beginning a run in selected theatres. Some argue that this is the greatest science fiction film of all time.Do you agree or disagree? Why?

Asked by -layyla- 50 months ago Similar questions: Bladerunner greatest science fiction film time Arts > Books > Books - Science Fiction.

Similar questions: Bladerunner greatest science fiction film time.

It certainly is a stunning film... Oh, I can certainly make some good arguements in that direction. But in my book, it's one of the best DESIGNED movies out there. Bladerunner suffered from coming out the same year as Ghandi did.

Ghandhi, of course, swept the oscars, but there is no doubt in my mind that Bladerunner should have swept the design awards. My ex and I went to see it several times, so he could study how the lighting was used to so heavily influence mood. The costumes were absolutely top-notch--in SF films, designers tend toward uniformy stuff, but Bladerunner's took a historical look--in this case, the wasp-waist, heavily shoulder-padded 40's fashions for women, and updated and exaggerated them--which is often what top-level fashion designers are doing when they create a yearly fashion "line."

It's how future fashion trends will come about, and it works beautifully here. The darkness, shadow, dinginess, the dripping water, the general sense of decay--with the huge, bright electronic billboards and the intense brightness of the stores... placed against the opulent corporate environent... Terrific design! ANd a damned good script, too, and some very fine acting.

I think Sean young was probably the weakest--but she looked incredible in those clothes! Sources: Memory... NancyE's Recommendations Dressed: A Century of Hollywood Costume Design Amazon List Price: $75.00 .

Quite possibly Initially, I tired to think of my other favorites - some of which I enjoy more than Bladerunner - in terms of "greatest", and they fail the comparison. Star Wars - great, but it’s a farther away and a more black and white future. Rebels GOOD, Empire BAD!

It makes no predictions. Robocop - great fun, some interesting moral 'lessons', but still several notches below Bladerunner in terms of how well imagined it is (and Robocop came much later, so a good deal of it’s predictive observation just builds on Bladerunner’s foundation). Terminator - higher on my list of favorites, but not as "great" for all the reasons above, and more.

Bladerunner talks about what it is to be human. What it means to be marginalized and without rights. It looks at cities and where they are going and displays all the grit and apathy of a race too tightly packed together to care about the person an elbow away.

We don’t have rights for, and can’t get along with, all our natural people - imagine how we’d treat created ones. So..though I hadn’t thought about it until this question (thank you), but I think I have to agree. Out of the genre movies I can think of at the moment, yeah, it’s probably the greatest of all.

I'll smack myself in the forehead later when I think of one that might be better. Then again, maybe I won't. Sources: long time fan CarpeNoctem's Recommendations Neuromancer Amazon List Price: $7.99 Used from: $0.99 Average Customer Rating: 4.0 out of 5 (based on 431 reviews) Count Zero Amazon List Price: $7.99 Used from: $0.01 Average Customer Rating: 4.0 out of 5 (based on 60 reviews) Burning Chrome Amazon List Price: $13.95 Used from: $3.95 Average Customer Rating: 4.5 out of 5 (based on 64 reviews) Mona Lisa Overdrive Amazon List Price: $7.99 Used from: $0.41 Average Customer Rating: 4.5 out of 5 (based on 44 reviews) All Tomorrow's Parties Amazon List Price: $7.99 Used from: $1.46 Average Customer Rating: 3.5 out of 5 (based on 126 reviews) If you liked Bladerunner or "Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep"...

All those moments would be lost in time… I just LOVE that movie. I honestly believe this is the best sci-fi movie ever released! The combination of a dark Film Noir and sci-fi which was unique when the movie first released proved a winning formula and was copied countless times ever since.

The story does falter here and there despite touching upon the most profound questions we face like who do we are really and do we ever stop searching for it, when it would be all over and how can we change and control our destiny. It’s interesting to note how the movie touched upon subjects rarely discussed at the time that have moved center stage in recent years like genetic engineering, globalization even the moral questions that arise when fighting terror. I saw that movie for the first time on TV when I was a teenager.

I found myself completely immersed by that unique atmosphere the movie so successfully produced. It was a real experience and I have watched that movie many times since. At one point I was able to quote whole sections out of it.

Personally I prefer the original cut with Harrison Ford’s voice over throughout the film and the optimistic and shiny ending scene that completely contradicted the entire gloomy and dark feel of the movie. Those things where thrown out in the director’s cut edition to my huge disappointment. The movie features one of the best soundtracks ever by Vangelis.

I have both the original soundtrack and the orchestral adaptation for it that surprisingly preceded the release of the original soundtrack by a few good years. I love both releases. I don’t think Ridley Scott ever managed to surpass this amazing creation again (and please don’t day Gladiator!) sweetMonkey's Recommendations Blade Runner (Five-Disc Ultimate Collector's Edition) Amazon List Price: $78.92 Average Customer Rating: 4.5 out of 5 (based on 34 reviews) Blade Runner (Four-Disc Collector's Edition) Amazon List Price: $34.99 Average Customer Rating: 4.5 out of 5 (based on 4 reviews) .

No, I have to give it to something older I wish I could give it to the live radio broadcast of War of the Worlds, but that's obviously radio and not a movie. I find it difficult to call anything the "greatest of all time" but this one in particular gets a "no" from me. I'm not entirely sure what I would replace it with, probably War of the Worlds (NOT the Tom Cruise edition) or the Day the Earth Stood Still.

Probably WotW. I'm an avid science fiction lover, but I just couldn't really love Bladerunner. A friend and I watched it together and had the same, "Quoi?" reaction.

I think we got really stuck on a couple of scenes (one was definitely the rachel/rick scene). It's a good movie, for sure, there are just others I would think are more deserving.(In some ways I'd like to give it to Sky Captain and the World of Tomorrow only because that would be like giving it to every classic sci-fi movie ever since they borrowed a number of lines from them.) .

Uh! NO that would be STAR WARS any of the 6 .

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Organization that says It's not science fiction. It's what we do everyday.

Looking for the title of a science fiction book.

I believe it could be a series of books, that I think would be considered Science Fiction.

I am looking for science fiction books from the 1920s. How do I find them.

Good books on writing fiction, particularly writing mysteries and science fiction, but good ones on fiction writing, too.

Completely agree! Blade Runner is both the greatest science fiction film of all time and my all-time favourite film, period. It is a beautiful masterpiece of a movie, completely worthy of your time and attention.

Speaking as both a student of film and a total cinema buff, I can tell you that I've (literally) studied Blade Runner as much as I've enjoyed watching it over the years. It is without question the greatest film of its genre; indeed, it is the very standard by which all other science fiction films should be judged. Please allow me to explain why… I view Blade Runner as the very template for all sci-fi films, visually and otherwise.

Simply put, none made before or since can touch it. The look and feel of the movie, despite it now being nearly 30 years old, are both powerful and staggering. Ridley Scott has the vision of a great director and no movie cemented that fact more profoundly than this one.

Without benefit of the overused CGI we’re so accustomed to, Scott created a nihilistic netherworld of a dark and dreary Los Angeles that is as redolent of ‘40s film noir as our “brave new world” of the future. The special effects are never overused as Scott allows the story to unfold on a surprisingly humanistic level. The fact that the film easily surpasses its own source material (Philip K.

Dick's classic 'Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?') is impressive in and of itself and speaks volumes about the film’s achievement and status. Although seen by many as a Harrison Ford vehicle, it is the supporting cast who actually carry the film. Rutger Hauer's performance as Roy Batty is the most legendary, of course.

Hauer's startling blend of rage, charisma, menace and poetry is sublime. The rest of the cast is uniformly excellent and several career-best performances are achieved (including those by Sean Young and Darryl Hannah). Ridley Scott has acknowledged the film’s inherent greatness as even he now recognizes that Blade Runner only seems to improve with age.

Much of that is owed to the visuals (and Scott's vision) but Hauer's Batty is absolutely perfect. I'm not embarrassed to admit that his dying words move me to tears each and every time I view the film (and I've seen it more times than I care to count). The film’s soundtrack also warrants attention.

Literally right from the opening scene, as the camera pans the futuristic L.A. skyline, Vangelis' ethereal music strikes a chord that resonates with the viewer as much as any other aspect of the film. This movie never misses the mark, on any level. It is as perfect a film as I've ever seen and I was pleased to see Ridley Scott say in a recent interview that he considers Blade Runner his “most personal” film.

He's a great director but, honestly, he's never surpassed this one and he never will. It's just THAT good. BQ: I assume you mean Rise of the Planet of the Apes?

I’ve not seen it and don’t intend to. The first half of your assessment is doubtless accurate. You’re not wrong; it *is* horrible, I’m sure.

Even James Franco has been distancing himself from it in interviews. BBQ: Crapatar (aka Avatar) is the most obvious choice. But my contempt for the no-talent James Cameron is so great that I’ll deliberately choose Aliens (his vastly inferior and derivative sequel to Ridley Scott’s original Alien) as the most overrated science fiction film ever made.

Please watch Blade Runner again (and again). It is by far the greatest science fiction film ever made and, like any great movie, it only improves upon repeat viewings. Cheers!


1. I consider the original "Planet of the Apes" the best sci fi movie ever made...but I do admire "Blade Runner." 2. I refuse to see the new version of "Apes" because it completely changes the premise of the original, affecting the movie's strength and it's moral.

3. "2001: A Space Odyssey" - I have tried it three times and have been bored to death three times.

I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.

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