Is Cucusoft a good program to copy music off of your iPhone/iTouch/iPod to your computer?

If you only want to copy music from IPod|iPod to Computers|computer, you can Google|google search for Yamipod, it's totally free. But I think Cucusoft is a nice program, it can copy videos and movies that freeware can't do. And here is a step by step guide about how to use it

I like this one, Cucusoft iPhone/iTouch/iPod to Computer Transfer, it won't be a problem if you take a look at this site:

I recommend an iPod to computer iTunes transfer software. It can help you copy songs vidos photos playlists from iPod to computer or iTunes in a couple of clicks. If you own more than one iPods, it can simultaneously manage all the iPods in the same interface, you may transfer files among these iPods by drag-and-drop.

Hope it helpful for you.

I recommend Cucusoft iPhone/iTouch/iPod to Computer Transfer, it is an easy to use iPod/iPhone utility designed to help you backup the stuffs in your iPod/iPhone/iTouch, transfer your files such as music, photos,etc, this is how I did, just find it here:

I recommend you a free software named Cucusoft iPhone/iTouch/iPod to Computer Transfer, It can transfer iPod photo, Videos, songs, podcasts and playlist to computer/iTunes easily. I like it very much. You can find it here: If you don’t know how to transfer,here is step by step guide:

Use iTunes"Transfer Purchases" feature. Or you can use an ipod to computer transfer program to help. I personally use Cucusoft iPhone/iTouch/iPod to Computer Transfer.It helps me to transfer my songs/videos/photos from ipod to my computer directly and safely.

It is a paid one but works really well for me,you can give it a try. Visit this site it may help you. I personally use cucusoft ipod to computer transfer for my pc.

You can do that for free,

I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.

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