Is downloading music illegal?

Yes it is...... it is called Copyright Infringement plain and simple, there is only a couple instances where downloading music isn't illegal. If they are the producer or the owner artist of said music and offer a download link. EG myspace musicians or any other musicians page that offer downloading their music or other data for the DL.

Or from site that provide the music labels an out to DL the artists music, promotional downloading of a new artist or a re-emerging artist.. I am a downloading maniac and am so breaking the us infringement laws doing so, I have downloaded everything in music(500+ gigs), movies(400+ gigs), many applications, Ebooks for my wife, and software by the scads. Yes my Downloader profile is viewable by the authorities. (some day I may get slapped with legals) I haven't uploaded yet but I share (seed) all my DL'd torrents, so if I want it bad enough to download it I pay it forward by seeding them to others who are DL'ing stuff from the sites.

Just a quick check I have 743 seeds..... all your answers are available from these links Page=UserActionInactive&id=455 I hope you become a DL'r and join the information spreading highway!

In principle downloading music is illegal when done for free. One can be fairly sure that the music downloaded is legally purchased when all the details of the transaction are clearly stated in the site where the tunes are sold. The complicated reality of downloading music is that there are copyright protection laws that people break everyday by downloading some tracks off the internet without paying for them.

Furthermore, some tunes can be legally downloaded but the laws regarding the sharing and downloading of music on the web change from country to country. In some countries copyright songs can be downloaded by private parties then again to upload sound files is not legal. For an overview of the topic and some additional information check the link included here: Good reading!

I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.

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