I do not think any news outlet is completely fair and balanced.. every single one of them uses commentary and story selection along with editorial to push or pull for or against a political agenda. Of course everyone who agrees withe the political leanings of any news outlet will say that the news outlet they agree with is fair and balanced and everyone who disagrees with the political leanings of news outlet will say that they are unfair and unbalanced. Fox News is no different than MSNBC in that each has an agenda and each uses is influence to direct viewers to ideas that the news outlet and the advertisers on the news outlet feel the viewers should be leaning to or agreeing with.
I asked this question a while ago and the answers were quite interesting. mahalo.com/answers/journalism-and-media/... What are the media outlets of any sort that could be considered the most objective? Not surprisingly .. Fox News is not mentioned as being on the "most objective" list at all.
A lot of times, people confuse the fox news program with the fox news network. While all of the shows on the station are very conservative biased, the actual news program is fairly balanced. I watch Fox, CNN, and MSNBC.
Where fox news does have more of a conservative tilt, they are more respectful to the liberal viewpoint, and give both sides equal opportunity to present its argument. This is not something I see on the other stations. The fox news anchors act as mediators between discussion panels, where the CNN and MSNBC anchors far too often act as other commentators and gang up on the opposing view.
Even if Fox News were to just switch to an outright Conservative view only approach, it would be more than hypocritical of any other news network to reprimand them for journalistic unfairness, because they are also very biased, just with a liberal tilt. Both points of view should always be shared and available for people to see it and decide for themselves. However, despite all of these lame and useless arguments, are the facts.
The fact is that Fox News has more viewers than CNN, MSNBC, and CNBC combined. This tells me one of two things. That America is so very right wing to want to listen to the evil conservative garbage and jargon, which can't be the case sonsidering that the House and Senate are both Democrat controlled, and the White is seated by another liberal democrat, or because people actually feel that despite the conservative tilt, they are still more fair and balanced than any of the other news networks.
If you think I am lying about the Network Ratings, just follow the links below. The only real evidence that most people can come up with about Fox News not being fair, is personal oppinion. And most of the time when people have a montage of Fox News headlines, they are taking only the headline and are not watching the story.
I would like to have seen the stories behind the headlines, and were they all on the fox news program,or on one of the conservative commentary shows like Hannity or Glenn Beck? I went to college with a buch of people who said the same things about Fox News being unfair, and so conservatively biased that it was sickening. It turns out, most of them had never really watched it.
When I convinced a few of them to watch it, they actually began to prefer it to the other media outlets.
No... as indicated by another Mahalo Answer: mahalo.com/answers/journalism-and-media/....
No news outlet is fair, but Fox News is not fair at all. They only take the conservative side and since Obama became pres they never had 1 good thing to say about him.
Fox news is just as 'unfair' as any other US News networks. They have very obvious political biases, and they will often opinionate on news stories to convince the viewer of a certain point, as well as censoring, omitting or not covering certain events if its against their political agenda. If fox news is really fair, I would take them seriously but they're as unfair as they come in reality.
I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.