The hair dye that you can by over the counter typically will not do damage to the scalp. Is it good for your hair? No.
But it is not horrible either. Since you are a man and have short hair, you get your hair cut so often, you will not see damage to the ends of your hair. Women that have long hair and dye their hair, do need to get their ends cut monthly.
If you decide to dye your hair, you will probably not notice any physical change on your hair, scalp or the condition of your hair. It is very safe. The stronger products can only be purchased by professionals.
Typically the over the counter hair dye is not too bad. You can purchase hair dye at most grocery stores, drug stores even online at Amazon.
Using hair dyes will most likely make someone feel a burning sensation and irritation of the scalp. The hair dye that is used in ancient times are made of natural ingredients which usually comes from plants or vegetables. Market research suggests that there are increasing number of people who are dying their hair and are doing it at a younger age and modern hair dyes are mostly made of chemicals.
The Cosmetic, Toiletry and Perfumery Association or CTPA in the UK said that hair dyes can be safely used as recommended in their instructions. But there is an ongoing safety investigation by European Commission because of studies that link hair dye usage to bladder cancer. This research was published in the International Journal of Cancer in 2001.It concluded that after adjustment from cigarette smoking, a major risk factor for bladder cancer, women who use permanent hair dyes at least once a month experience a 2.1 fold of bladder cancer compared to non users.
A study in the American Journal of Epidemiology in 2004 states that the proportion of lymphomas in the female population attributed to hair dyes is 10%. Another study in different countries in Europe said that increase risk of lymphoma is associated with hair dyes. Experts agree that the common chemical ingredients of dyes like ammonia, resorcinol, paraben and PDD or p-phenylenediamine can cause allergic reaction when comes in contact with the body.
The biggest toxin is ammonia. PDD is another toxin that can also trigger allergic reactions like facial dermatitis and swelling of the face as well.
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