Is it a sin to want to die, but not have the desire to kill yourself?

I believe that it is the desire of every Christian to finally return home to heaven to be with Father God, Jesus, friends and family. If this is so than how can it be wrong to want to die, as through death are we released from this world to join them all.

There are a number of reasons why a person might want to die. Paul, in Philippians, said "For me to live is Christ, and to die is gain. " He goes on to say that he is torn between the desire to depart and be with Christ, and the need to stay in order to encourage the church.

People at times also view death as an escape from the anxieties, struggles, and trials of this life. Pain can make cowards of us, and we might want to die because of that. It's not a sin to want to die.

And while I agree that it might be a sign of someone who needs some professional help, as a casual thought, it doesn't always need to be dealt with via a suicide hotline. That fact that the person doesn't want to kill themselves or have their life ended is telling. It means that they've identified legitimate reasons for continuing this life.It indicates that they are at least to some extent rational.

I would suggest that if your friend continues to express these feelings for more than a few weeks, it might be adviable to speak to someone about the situation who has a relationship with this person. (A parent, shared minister, school counselor, etc)Good Luck. Your friend is lucky to have your support.

For most ministers the answer to that one usually changes depending on how much you put on the collection plate. I have the privilege of being able to set such things down in black and white and so I will state that the answer is no. When Christ spoke of the intents of our hearts he was talking about people who contemplated how to hurt others and break God's law with reckless abandon but were usually waiting for the right moment and circumstances to get away with it without being censured by the public.

Wanting to end one's own life doesn't follow the natural pattern of Sins and isn't found anywhere in Leviticle law. Sins are acts that demand blood price because the end effects of the actions cant be undone. Suicide pays for itself and isn't the act of a rational mind.

Rational people avoid things that harm themselves. Christ always had mercy on those who were weak, infirm, or handicapped in any way. I believe that the longer she can only think of taking her life without succeeding the better off she URL1 may help however to find another outlet for her mental energies that gives her a reason to say to herself, "I matter in this world.

" Suggest that she volunteer in a soup kitchen if all else fails. That usually helps.

I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.

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