Is it possible to make a relationship between an ActiveRecord model and a plugin's model?

It should be possible, if they are both ActiveRecord models To define the relationship in the plugin's model you'll have to do some metaprogramming somewhere in a library. You can stick it at the end of your environment. Rb file at first to experiment ModelName.

Class_eval do has_many :announcements end That in particular may or may not work but that's the basic idea If the metaprogramming proves to be too complicated, you can always just do (making assumptions about the schema here, I haven't used AAT in a few year): Taggings. Find_by_tag_id_and_user_id(@tag. Id, @user.Id, :include => :user ).

Map{ |t| t. User) }.

It should be possible, if they are both ActiveRecord models. To define the relationship in the plugin's model you'll have to do some metaprogramming somewhere in a library. You can stick it at the end of your environment.

Rb file at first to experiment. ModelName. Class_eval do has_many :announcements end That in particular may or may not work but that's the basic idea.

If the metaprogramming proves to be too complicated, you can always just do (making assumptions about the schema here, I haven't used AAT in a few year): Taggings. Find_by_tag_id_and_user_id(@tag. Id, @user.Id, :include => :user ).

Map{ |t| t. User) }.

I've got a model called Announcement, and I'd like to get all the announcements tagged with a certain tag_id. The only method I found to accomplish that is "tagged_with(tag_name)", and not with "tag_id" as an argument. I can't depend on having every tag with different names, I want to find them by id.

– Brian Roisentul Jun 19 '10 at 0:08 k, I embellished my answer, hopefully that is helpful. – John Bachir Jun 20 '10 at 0:57.

It should be possible, if they are both ActiveRecord models. To define the relationship in the plugin's model you'll have to do some metaprogramming somewhere in a library. You can stick it at the end of your environment.

Rb file at first to experiment. That in particular may or may not work but that's the basic idea. Find_by_tag_id_and_user_id(,, :include => :user ).

Map{ |t| t.

I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.

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