Is it time for a viable 3rd Political Party in the United States?

I personally am one of the hated liberal republicans. I was raised in a conservative republican home for my first 14 years but after being placed in foster care I learned a little about the other side. After being in 30 some odd homes I had lived with all parties and agreed with all of them on atleast something.

While I still consider my self a republican I think it is time there would be a real 3rd party to come out. We need someone in the whitehouse that can represent us all in some way. I do not believe in our system anymore.It is beyond screwed up.

Soon I will be told when and where I can take a piss. We need to get to where government is about making our country better and not about dictating how we need to act or what we need to buy! We need to stop playing the race card, the sexist card, the hate card and all the other hate related things we keep playing over and over again.

It does nothing but set us back further. Maybe one day we will move away from the attention seeking crap we have now and move forward to actually making this country what it could be. Testing would weed out all the people who vote for the wrong reason.

I mean several people I know personally openly admitted to voting for obama to make history. I also knew several who wanted to vote either for hilary or palin because of them being female. We do not need people getting elected for these reasons.

Testing would atleast make people inform themselves prior to voting, problem is it goes against the constitution and would be no different than making me buy health insurance. The great thing about our country is the freedom, the sad thing is being stupid is one of those freedoms. Telling people they have to take a test is socialism.

There really is no fix for the uninformed voting. I am married to one of those uninformed and I do my best to make him think sometimes. I inform him even if he doesn't want to be.

That way he can atleast make informed thoughts when he votes, so short of craming info down peoples throat we have no options!

Yes, I think it is absolutely time for a viable 3rd political party in the United States. It doesn't really matter to me who it is; it just seems that we should not ever be locked into traditional choices. From time to time, people need the freedom to express their opinions and to channel their thoughts through another party.It's time that we throw a little chaos into the mix---just for the sake of stirring up the political parties.

Thank you for asking.

I think it is very possible that a third party will emerge over time and become the dominant party. Storically this happens when the existing parties are no longer viable options and have completely strayed from tradition. The Republican Party is a perfect example of this.

While today it resembles very little of its historic roots, it makes the point. Republican Party - The party of Abraham Lincoln The Republican Party developed during the 19th century as a response to the unsuccessful policies of the Whig Party and the Democrats.

Philippines Democratic Major Political Parties: 9 Here in the Philippines we have 9 major political parties fighting for the congress, senate and presidential posts. Seeing 9 parties go gaga over power, makes me confused and undecided whenever elections or other such things are taking place. It's hard to decide which platform to choose because all of them have good points, but the integrity is somehow lacking since, they tend to switch parties- not because of their views, but because of the will to have the power.

But having ONLY 2 political parties, makes it easier for the citizens to decide which platform and/or view to decide. Having more than 2 political parties makes the nation more divided. Therefore, no.

Viable political parties arise when voters are not happy with the traditional parties and not being properly represented. I've seen this happen in my own country with the rise of a few new parties over the decades. They are moderately successful depending on their policies.

For example one of the non-major parties had a deciding vote in the Senate and protected public lands, protected jobs and wage rights by forcing the standing government to change policy. This is good democracy. I think the US could easily tolerate and encourage other parties, and depending on their policies, be moderately successful in representing a wider demographic.

More voters would vote if they had greater choice. And perhaps more voters would educate themselves on policy, rather than use emotion to vote, if they had variety and more choice.

I don't think the problem is the Democrats or the Republicans, the problem is that both parties are corrupt and no longer represent voters. It doesn't seem to matter who is in power--very little ever seems to happen that benefits you and me. I've voted for third party candidates in the past and would do so again.

I think the liberal/conservative split is something that is used to control all of us by pitting us against each other. We have more in common than we think. We all want decent jobs, a shot at bettering ourselves, safe cities, affordable food and energy, and personal respect.

None of us are getting any of that right now. Big money controls Congress, and the rest of us can dry up and blow away. We all want Wall Street reigned in.

Two years after the crash they're still raping our pension funds. That's how it looks from Michigan anyway. Barring a miracle, I will not vote for either major party in 2012.

There can not be a successful third party, unless it is regional, as long as we have our current voting system. There are a number of alternate, even more democratic systems of voting, some of which are used in Europe. The most suitable for the USA would probably be the instant runoff type election.

Meanwhile, it looks as if the Republican Party has come to the end of its line and may break up and collapse. If so, perhaps the New Whig Party will replace it as a new moderately conservative party. From the sound of it, you are one of those radicals who is destroying the Republican Party.

Go for it! It's been going downhill ever since Teddy left for the Progressive Party.

While I still consider my self a republican I think it is time there would be a real 3rd party to come out. We need someone in the whitehouse that can represent us all in some way. I do not believe in our system anymore.

I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.

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