Is it true Everybody Makes Mistakes? Why do we sometimes repeat the same ones? Is it because Everybody Has Habits?

Similar questions: true Makes Mistakes repeat Habits.

Mistakes are part of the learning process. From a guitar player's point of view it's possible to play just about anything perfectly if you slow it down enough. It's better to practice something slowly and perfectly and build up speed rather than starting out fast and sloppy.

Practicing fast and sloppy will only reinforce your ability to make mistakes.

Good advise. Thanks! EverybodyIsNuts 13 months ago .

1) All humans begin by rejecting God, so all humans make mistakes.2) All humans spend time ignoring God (even ones who accept so all humans continue making mistakes.3) Almost all mistakes are a result of the human having no other models, no other ideas of what to do about a situation. This is partly the habits you mention, but it goes deeper.4) Often, the human's thinking even excludes the best answer of all: do nothing. The human first and strongest thought is that he or she MUST do SOMETHING about this RIGHT NOW!

And if not? Never answers that question honestly.

Reject God = Humans make mistakes. What happens to the other creatures on Earth that do not know God? They make mistakes as well.

EverybodyIsNuts 13 months ago .

It is not in the mistakes we make that makes us unwise it is the repeating of mistakes that makes us foolish.

I agree. Thanks! EverybodyIsNuts 13 months ago .

We're here to make mistakes and learn by them. Sometimes we just don't get it the first time around and have to make the mistake again. Its pretty simple.

We form patterns in our minds based upon beliefs and perceptions. We change those patterns by altering those beliefs and perceptions. Its like working a muscle, the more you work it, the stronger it gets.

The more you work on changing a pattern in your mind (habit), the easier it eventually becomes until it finally changes. We would all benefit if in schools we were taught how the mind works.

Theodore Roosevelt said, "There is no such thing as failure, only early attempts at success". If a person doesn't learn by their mistakes, they're not ready to move forward. We all grow at our own rate of speed.

Another saying I love is: "Life without mistakes is a failure. " Mistakes are valuable taskmasters in learning about ourselves and life.

Very good responses. EverybodyIsNuts 13 months ago .

Predator wrote:"The definition of "insane" is "doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results. "Golly, I'm glad that I'm insane. I can't tell you how many times I repeated the identical action only to find that on the n'th iteration that I was able to succeed.

Mistakes are just result on experiments. Is fire hot? When I was a kid I found out.So you learn more and gain more from your "failures".

How do you think all the big shots made it, trial and error.

Mistakes are a result of decisions we make. One person's mistake is not always the same for someone else. Sometimes big shots make mistakes and don't make it make it.

EverybodyIsNuts 13 months ago .

I am a slow is how my brain works. We make the mistake until we finally understand what we were doing wrong. Obsessing is how the brain works...goes in circles.

Benfotiamine helps obsessing...gets the brain to move onto new thoughts as it helps the cells work better.

Unfortunately some people never understand and keep making the same mistakes over and over. I call it a Habit. Thanks!

EverybodyIsNuts 13 months ago .

The definition of "insane" is "doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results. "We ALL make mistakes, but we learn by them--some faster than others.

I am sorry to say we always learn from our mistakes.Remember... Don't argue with a crazy person. EverybodyIsNuts 13 months ago .

Whether or not rejecting the notion of "God" constitutes a "mistake" or not, is very much a matter of subjective opinion. But sure! Everyone makes mistakes, which are actions that run counter to whatever social norms or other beliefs we (and whatever culture we find ourselves in) have internalized and use as a standard of how to act.

Certain activities and enterprises are also considered to be carried out in certain fashions, and an error committed while engaging in these activities are also "mistakes. " There is a certain subtle subjectivity in all of this, but it allows us to function within a culture and interact harmoniously (USUALLY...) with others.

We would prevent some of our mistakes. " "true or false: the more precise our digital logic becomes, the clearer we see it always makes mistakes.?" "Should the people of New York be praised for having the sense to clean up their own mistakes? " "If people were thrown in jail for bad habits, what would you be serving time for?

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I agree. Thanks! EverybodyIsNuts 62 months ago.

I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.

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