Is it true that some are born evil, while others have evil thrust upon them?

Fighting EVIL is my Game! Between Night and day--when day is beginning to lower--comes a pause in nights occupation that is known as the EVIL HOUR.......... Yes, those who worship evils might beware cause the Rocketeer will root you out... Yes, there are some who are born evil very evil--Lex Luthor, The Jocker, Blofeld (James Bond) but others like Doc. Octopus --he was a nice guy --he had evil thurst upon him-what cha gonna do........? But where ever evil lurks---I will be there to cut it down......... so sayssssssssssss THE ROCKETEER .

Yes, it is true Some are born evil from the deepest darkest pits of evil evilness. They can, however, if they try really hard become non-evil. Through their actions and deed they can devote themselves to the light.

There are others who have "evil" thrust upon them. Through a series of accidents, evil is infused into their very being (take, for instance, an innocent avatar that is kidnapped, painted red, and replaced or kidnapped, soul sucked of its red core, and thrown out like yesterday's garbage). In these instances, the avatars look evil into the eye and evil is trust upon them.It is sad, but true.

Far more common, however, are those who choose evil. They listen to all the choices out there and when the time comes they say, " evil sounds good." Those are the evil ones to watch out for.

They are the ones the walk up behind you as you are typing an answer, or reading one, and yell just to startle you. In fact, what's that behind you right now...

Yes indeed some people are just born evil while others have it thrust upon them and learn to enjoy it. Take for example Joe Stalin or Adolph They were just born evil and couldn’t help themselves. Others, like oh well someone whose name I am thinking of but will not speak, start out so sweet and nice.

Then like a bolt out of the blue evil is thrust upon them. At first they try to resist the evil but slowly but surely the evil takes over and before you know it they are heading evil conspiracies and are surrounded by their evil minions. Then as they feel that evil power pulsing through their veins they give in to the evil and become one with it.

Once that happens all hope is lost and they are unstoppable. They commit acts of evil just for the fun of it and they enjoy each and every second of their evil acts. I shudder just to think about it.

I WANT MY MOMMY! Sources: Evil is as evil does.

That's our slogan here at Evil Poppet Inc. Who told you? Since you are telling our secrets I might as well tell you the whole saying.

The full quote is "some are born evil, some achieve evil, and some have evil thrust upon ’em. " That quote is on a sign over the door in our main office. It’s there as a reminder not to prejudge any new minions.

Some of our recent converts are new to the ways of evil poppet. Somehow they just didn’t have the evil gene at birth, but they are here now, and we welcome them. Like our bumper sticker says: I wasn’t born evil, but I got here as fast as I could.

Unfortunately, there is still a stigma to those that had their evil thrust upon them. Some are even missing minion meetings because they just haven’t accepted their minionization. Still, Evil Poppet and the Level Ones are working on them, and they are slowly accepting their new lives.In fact, our head conversion counselor has reported morale is up at EPI.

Part of this is due to our new stack of applications that the evil one is looking over personally. Applications are still being accepted, and I assure you being minionized is mostly painless. Sources: Minion Handbook and days at the EPI Lady_Wolf_is_Lost's Recommendations Minions of the Moon Amazon List Price: $13.95 Used from: $2.84 Average Customer Rating: 4.0 out of 5 (based on 14 reviews) I am out of our local chapter's handbook, but I have one from our lunar location that you can borrow.

Some people are born evil some are made evil by their environment Those who are born evil are called sociopaths they lack normal emotions and have no human associatrions and think nothing of doing harm to another. Most people are made bad by circumstance. Drug dealers who fight for territory for survival of their living do so because this is all they know.

They grow up in a world of violance and think nothing about committing violance. Children in Africa that are forced into armies and told kill or be killed are made to be evil. So to answer your question yes some are born evil and some are made evil..

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Are they removing the game out of video games.

What is the chronological order of all "Resident Evil" games. I want this to include all platforms.

I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.

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