Unless you are willing to breed your dog cautiously and with training and experience, it is best to spay and neuter your dogs and cats. The reason is simply that cats and dogs will breed at a pace that will actually be detrimental to the animals health. They are ruled by their seasons and they do not have the logic that tells them that they are not ready to have another litter of puppies or kittens.
This desire for offspring is a natural course in the animals genetic make up and we have the means to protect them from their own natural instincts. If you are a breeder then by all means breed responsibly and the dogs will be fine because a good breeder doesn't let the dog get pregnant every time she goes into season. This type of care is one way of telling if they are a caring breeder or a greedy one.
For a house pet it is better for them to be spayed or neutered as it stops unwanted behaviors like spraying and that howl that comes with an animal in heat.
The advantages of spaying or neutering a dog surpassing the disadvantages. Here are some of the advantages: ADVANTAGES OF SPAYING/ NEUTERING A MALE DOG *Reduced Aggression: If a male dog is spayed before the age of one, it would be less aggressive. *Prevent over population due to dog roaming from one female to the other and breeding.
*less Roaming: If male dogs are neutered or spayed at an early age, they will not respond to pheromones, which is an airborne chemical that are released from the female dog when she is on heat. This smell draws male dogs away from home in search of the female on heat. *Prevents Testicular Tumors *less Prostate Problems ADVANTAGES OF SPAYING/ NEUTERING A FEMALE DOG *Population control *Prevents mammary cancer: *Prevents Tumors of the reproductive tract *Prevents uterine infections It is best to spay or neuter the dogs when they are still puppies, so that they can live a longer and less stressful life.
I absolutely believe it is okay to spay or neuter an animal. There are way too many strays and abused animals in this world. And I believe it comes from irresponsible pet owners who refuse to take action and spay/neuter their own pet.It irritates me every time some irresponsible person dumps a litter of unwanted puppies off near our neighborhood.
If that owner of the female dog had had their dog spayed then no one (including the pups) would have to suffer.
I believe it is ok to spay or neuter a pet. Like the others mentioned, there are too many unwanted dogs and if you are not planning on breeding to enhance the breed of the dog, it is a great idea to have them fixed. I personally hate to put pets through surgery of any kind.So that is the part that would make me sad.
But, I hear pets do recover quickly from that surgery and I guess you just need to find a reliable veterinarian that you can trust to do the surgery. Another option may be to buy a very good fence for your backyard so there is absolutely no way for your dog to get out and no way for another dog to get in. Then you would not need to do the surgery.
I believe it is ok to spay or neuter a pet. Like the others mentioned, there are too many unwanted dogs and if you are not planning on breeding to enhance the breed of the dog, it is a great idea to have them fixed. I personally hate to put pets through surgery of any kind.
I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.