Actually she is! Reality TV star Kendra Wilkinson is pregnant with her first child. The father of the baby she is carrying is her fiance Hank Baskett, who serves as Philadelphia Eagles wide receiver.
Check this article for the full story.
Yes, Kendra has confirmed to People Magazine that she is indeed pregnant with her fiancee Hank Baskett's child. Their wedding is schedule for June 27th.
Somehow I doubt it! Playboy boss HUGH HEFNER's heart skipped a beat on a recent taping of ELLEN DEGENERES' US chat show when one of his three girlfriends, KENDRA WILKINSON, announced she was pregnant. Wilkinson, the star of reality show THE GIRLS NEXT DOOR, was sitting next to Hefner when she was asked if she'd like to have kids.
And she left the 81-year-old Playboy boss stumbling for words when she said, "I'm actually pregnant right now. " Hefner glanced at her and then started laughing, prompting the bubbly blonde to state, "It's so sad that he doesn't even fall for that. " But Wilkinson insisted she was only half joking - she would like to have kids with Hefner: "I would definitely in a couple of years... I'm not old enough yet."
The Playboy publisher then said, "I love her very much, we'll see.
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