Is national city bank of the Midwest branch of National city bank?

YES Source: National City Provides Full Interstate Banking Access for Customers Six Charters Merged to Create Single National Charter CLEVELAND- JULY 24, 2006- National City today announced that customers now have full interstate banking access within the company's seven-state retail footprint, resulting from the consolidation of six separate bank charters into one national charter under the name of National City Bank, headquartered in Cleveland At National City, we pride ourselves in making it easy for customers to do business with us," said Margaret Richardson, senior vice president with National City. "For the customer, this means added ease and convenience. The single charter initiative is the next generation of our commitment to our customers, a commitment that has included a top-rated online banking platform and an industry-leading rewards program Having grown over time through acquisitions and expansion, National City previously operated under a legal structure in which six banks held separate national charters.As a result of the single charter initiative, the following charters merged into National City Bank: National City Bank of the Midwest (which includes banking in Michigan, Illinois and Missouri), National City Bank of Pennsylvania, National City Bank of Kentucky, National City Bank of Indiana and National City Bank of Southern Indiana The single charter initiative is expected to make banking easier for National City customers by facilitating full interstate banking access within the company's retail footprint.

Previously, customers who had an account in one bank charter did not have full access to banking products and services across bank charters. Now with one national charter, customers can complete all transactions at any National City branch, regardless of location National City has more than 1,200 branches in Ohio, Illinois, Indiana, Kentucky, Michigan, Missouri and Pennsylvania. National City will add Florida to its retail footprint upon completion of its pending agreement to acquire Harbor Florida Bancshares Inc.

Based in Fort Pierce, Florida. The transaction, expected to close in the fourth quarter of 2006, will add more than 40 retail branches on the central east coast of Florida Customer communication of the single charter initiative has included statement inserts, letters and brochures. For the majority of customers, there will be no changes to account numbers.

However, a small number of CD and IRA account numbers will change. Those customers have received advance notification and the account number change will take place automatically and with no charge to the customer The single charter initiative has no impact on National City's local leadership or model of local decision making.In addition, it has no impact on the company's financial commitments to the communities it serves About National City National City Corporation (NYSE: NCC), headquartered in Cleveland, Ohio, is one of the nation's largest financial holding companies. The company operates through an extensive banking network primarily in Ohio, Illinois, Indiana, Kentucky, Michigan, Missouri and Pennsylvania, and also serves customers in selected markets nationally.

Its core businesses include commercial and retail banking, mortgage financing and servicing, consumer finance and asset management. For more information about National City, visit the company's Web site at MEDIA CONTACT: Chris Kemper 513-455-9228 Christopher. [email protected].

I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.

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