Is online casino play legal?

There is no federal law in the U.S. that prohibits online gambling. Some states in the U.S. have passed laws against gambling online, usually at the instigation of local on-land casinos who don’t want the competition. But, to our knowledge, no U.S. or Canadian player has ever faced charges for playing online for real money.

What the government has occasionally done is harass people for advertising Internet casinos and poker rooms. That's why all the television ads for the online poker rooms now mention only the free games they offer. All of the online casinos we list offer free games to play if gambling online for money is illegal where you live.

Our advice is to check your local laws before you play to see if Internet gambling is legal in your state or country. 6) A SPECIAL WORD ABOUT ONLINE CASINO BONUSES Since the online casinos can't give you a comped suite, show, or dinner, they give you money to play with instead. Casino bonuses are literally free money, and can be very ... more.

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