For centuries the springs that fed the San Antonio River in Texas have provided a magnet for colonists and pioneers and contributed to the diverse cultural fusion – European and Native American - that helped fashion the thriving River City metropolis known as San Antonio - the seventh largest city in the United States. The old city is surrounded by modern office buildings which provide the base of operations for San Antonio’s thriving financial services and health care industry. However, like other major US cities there are poorer suburbs that are sorely in need of financial aid and redevelopment. Downtown San Antonio offers some wonderful attractions including; the Alamo, the Cathedral of San Fernando and the Spanish Governor’s Palace. The cities spanic roots can also be seen at Market Square and El Mercado.
The Alamo was immortalized by its role at the center of Texan resistance to the attack launched by General Antonio López de Santa Anna on February 23rd, 1836:
In America today, not many cities maintain their unique ancient culture, and historical landmarks. San Antonio, Texas, is by far, not one of those cities. With a mix of the old and the new, San Antonio captures the beauty and romanticism of the colonial Spanish heritage of the 18th Century, with its’ historical landmarks and classic culture of old.
The story Channel named ‘The Alamo’, a San Antonio attraction, as one of America’s ‘Top 10 From San Antonio’s River Walk filled with galleries, shops and spas, to their ancient Arts and Culture, and an array of history, preserved with parks and sites of Centuries past, San Antonio is an awe inspiring journey of richness and beauty. San Antonio even has a ‘Keep San Antonio Beautiful’ mission and logo, with offices set up and dedicated to picking up litter, cleaning graffiti, and having neighborhoods join in the clean up, as they promote green projects and oversee environmental issues. Very few cities have an entire program dedicated to the beautification of their city and their surrounding environment.Www.visitsanantonio.Com gives you a picture and text description of their city, their dedication to maintaining its’ beauty, and to sharing all of that, with you.
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