I'll answer this question from a perspective that you are looking to invest with the intent to physically possess rather then place within the possession of banks or stocks. In the event that a paper currency, such as the US dollar, were to collapse then the society that relied upon that currency for exchange would quickly switch into a barter system which would accept physical silver and gold in exchange for services and or products. In such an environment then yes, silver would be a very good physical investment, however weight would be a concideration as a bag of 'junk silver' weighes approximately 715 ounces.
The advantage to possessing junk silver (coins with no numismatic value) is that they are basically silver bullion in uniform weights that can be utilized for day to day expenditures. Gold coins, due to the much greater value of gold in such a scenrio would be more difficult to use as a currency, i.e. Sam the plumber comes and fixes your broken pump and charges you $50 bucks, you have silver coins that can easily be transferred to cover the charge according to the current rate of exchange.
If all you had were gold coins it would be much more difficult to make change so to speak. So in this scenario a mix of junk silver and junk gold would be the best investment basically due to weight. A couple of small incretment gold coins might buy you a big ticket item where it would take much more weight in silver to make the same transaction and vice versa at the farmers market.
Of course this would be in a survival mode, hence the weight concideration. It could be impossible for you to haul off 1000 LBs of silver in an emercency situation whereas you could easily haul off 20 LBs of gold which would be of much greater value. The reason for this type of investment instead of bank vaulted bullion and stocks are the obvious, in the event of a financial collapse the first thing thats going to happen to your bank vaulted investments are you will be locked out from physically obtaining them which would render them totally useless.
Survival investing has its merits, but it is a worse case scenerio. youtube.com/watch?v=QX62U6t2lNQ Now if your looking for the best silver investment potential for speculation then personally I would invest in a mix of bullion and stock in silver mines. Gold is always a good investment... providing you buy and sell at the right price.My personal choice is the physical investment of both junk gold and silver and keep it in a secure but easy to get to location.
Most experts disagree with the above answer. There is no replacement for Silver. Silver is and has been since humanity discovered it, special.It has a rare combination of practical and aesthetic uses.
Many cultures even consider it holy or mythical in some form. That however is not why experts feel the price will rise in the future. There are no new silver mines in existence, and older mines are being depleted, only 5% of what is mined is recycled for re-use.
Gold and Silver both henge on supply and demand. Due to silver's duel uses it always has a high demand so as the supply dwindles the price rises. I'm not sure it will exceed gold, but silver IS a good investment in my opinion.
I would say it's a better bet than buying stocks, and well cheaper so less risky than buying gold. Mahalo actually has pages on the subject :) How to Buy Silver and How to Buy Gold.
Approximately one year ago I bought gold coins, silver bars and stocks. Today the gold is worth about 20% more, the stocks are worth about 50% more, and the silver is worth 5% less. Silver is a normal industrial commodity.
The price of silver, like most metals with industrial use, will continue to decline in the future as it always has in the past. There is continual incentive to find ways to acquire and process it more cheaply in order to increase profits. If low supply ever prevents this process, the incentive will be to find an alternative, which history shows someone will.
Thus the demand for silver would drop in favor of the cheaper alternative, and the price of silver continue its decline. Silver is not a long term investment.
In my observation, I think silver is a good investment compared to stocks in the sense that the former is picking up in terms of demand, with the rapid growth of the electronics and smart phone market, silver is poised for more growth, while the latter has been very unstable lately due to the lingering uncertainty of the U.S. Economy as a whole. In terms of value, having invested in silver is more secure because you are holding a stable commodity compared to stocks which has a higher degree of risks. In split seconds, your entire holdings could lose value, especially during stock market crashes.
With regards to silver compared to gold, the former is more affected during market turmoil while the latter is considered a safe haven investment. Accordingly, "despite the increase in the gold price over the past year, silver’s ascent has been much greater on a percentage basis. However, if equity markets reverse direction and head lower, if credit markets seize up again, or if another deflation scare manifests, then the price of silver can be expected to under-perform the price of gold.
Investing silver is not a good choice. Compare to invest in silver you can invest in gold.
About my viewing it is good idea to invest in silver than buying any stocks. Investment in silver is most secure then stocks. dealpocket.com/default.asp?search=2&catv....
If you would have invested the same amount of money in silver as you did in gold in the last 6 months you would have made a lot more money. In the future more money will be made in silver not gold.
It depends, if you're looking for insurance on your US dollars I would invest in Gold. If you're looking for "insurance" in Stocks you want to invest in huge companies that won't fail and are international so that they are not solely dependent on the economy of the US. Companies like McDonalds, Walmart, and Proctor & Gamble are a few of the companies I like to Call my "Gold Like" stocks because they are so dependable and super strong.
You want to invest in silver if you're looking for real wealth, because silver is at about 16 or 17 dollars an ounce right now but experts believe silver will ballon $295 an ounce within the next 5 to 10 yearsand only expect gold to reach about 3 to 5 thousand an ounce. But gold is at 1100 so percentage wise that is not as much of an upside as silver. So it seems like silver unless you know of a great stock play is the best investment now.
Silver is a good investment yes...but you should understand the pros and cons of investing in silver to determine if Silver is a better investment than gold or stocks. Of all the precious metals out there, silver is one of the largest hedges against inflation and market volatility. Silver remains one of the best choices for many investors because it's considered a safe commodity.In fact, it's considered one of the safest investments out there.
When there's a bull market both gold and silver show a lot of growth, but historical trending always shows silver ahead of gold in terms of the size of growth value between the two. When times were hard in the past, silver has been shown to get record growth sometimes up to five-fold against other precious metals.It is also one of the most common of the traded metals because of it's versatility. You'll find silver in batteries and solar panels.
It's also used in the medical field with other areas of renewable energy industry and in things like batteries and cutlery.As well, jewelry, photography and water purification also use silver. This makes it both collectible and useful in different industries where there's manufacturing going on. Demand for silver has always remained steady regardless of the markets, but when there's threatened economic downturns and market instability, silver has always surged ahead sometime tripling its return on investment when gold has only doubled in value.
Silver mining has gone up with recovery and reclamation of silver being only a part of the puzzle. Adding new sources of silver and reclamation has been steadily outpaced by demand for it over the past two decades. As a result, the price of this precious metal has continued to climb with an upward projection for the future.
Because of this, silver remains a sound safe haven for the recommended level of at least 20% of your portfolio to hedge your hard-earned assets against inflation. Here are some excellent resources to further learning. cornerstoneassetmetals.com/is-silver-a-b....
I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.