The H1N1 swine flue pandemic is over according to the World Health Organization last August 10, 2010. For now we are in the "post-pandemic period", a time wherein the H1N1 virus has started acting and circulating with other flu bugs. The WHO decided to declare that it is over because of the following reasons: * H1N1 has spread to all countries * many people in different age groups have immunity to H1N1 through infection or vaccination, * there are no unusual summer outbreaks of H1N1 and; * H1N1 is no longer the dominant flu virus, there are other flu bugs like H3N2 and type B viruses that are now being reported.
The announcement of the end of the pandemic does not necessarily mean that the flu has gone away. The flue still pose a threat to those who are pregnant and infants. And since it is a serious disease, the CDC recommend getting the seasonal flu vaccine 2010-2011 together with type A H3N2 and type B viruses.
From all that I have read, the swine flu pandemic is indeed over. There is a vaccine for it and noone is really concerned about that anymore. The NDM1 is now the super bug that everyone is concerned about.
Before anyone panics about that or any other flu or super bug, we just have to take some smart precautions. Always wash your hands thoroughly with warm water and soap when returning from being out in the public. Make sure you avoid touching your eyes, nose and mouth before washing your hands.
Washing them in alcohol helps as well as does using hand sanitizers. I suggest everyone to get a flu shot annually, especially the elderly, infants and those exposed to a lot of people on a daily basis, such as teachers and doctors. But as for the swine flu, no need to really be concerned about that anymore and it never was as bad as the regular flu we are exposed to every winter.
Swine flu Pandemic is over, and NMD1 has taken its place. The new version has not reached pandemic proportions as of yet, but that is because it is still early in the flu season but in he next few months we shall be hearing more about it on the national as well as regional news broadcasts. Swine flu does not pose any more risk to anyone on earth because it has died out with time and of course, the flu vaccine that was invented.
However, this does not mean you cannot get the new strain of flu that will make its rounds soon. To keep away from this new strain, be sure to get the new shot when it’s available. Also when its flu season stay away from people who are ill and wash your hands often to prevent this illness.
I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.