A friend of mine gave me this ring some time ago. I think I got it cleaned once, but I'd like to do it myself this time if possible because of low finances. The gold is 10K and it has about 22 little faceted emeralds held in place by little gold settings.
It's very cool and I love it lots. But I think it could use a cleaning. Any ideas?
Asked by angelstar22 39 months ago Similar questions: clean gold emerald ring taking jewelry store Lifestyle > Jewelry.
Similar questions: clean gold emerald ring taking jewelry store.
Emeralds are tricky Emeralds are easily (for a stone) nicked or chipped, that’s why they’re often set in such a way that the setting protects the edges. Emeralds almost always have inclusions (impurities) that can make them easy to break if not handled correctly. It sounds like yours are well protected by the setting but it’s still wise to treat them gently.
Like opals and pearls, they can be damaged by strong or abrasive cleaners, commercial jewelry cleaning solutions and ultrasonic jewelry cleaners. Don’t clean them with anything other than water and mild soap and a very soft brush. Use lukewarm water.
Emeralds are sensitve to temperature changes. You’re probably not going to cause a huge problem if you put the ring in warmer water but why chance it. Just wet the ring in a bowl of the soapy water, scrub it with the brush, rinse thoroughly and dry with a soft cloth.
Being kind to your ring should keep it able to be loved for a long time. Sources: Picture from:
Ammonia Dilute ammonia with some water and swish your ring around in it. If you have or can purchase a baby's toothbrush (extra, extra soft), after soaking your ring, lightly brush it outside and inside to loosen grim. Put it back in the solution and then rinse it with hot water from the tap.
Let it air dry, admire, then enjoy! .
This does the best cleaning......... My jeweler gave me this "recipe" that he uses years ago. In like a baby food jar, mix equal parts of ammonia & water. Put this in the microwave until it boils.(I know this sounds dangerous, but IT'S NOT.) Drop your jewelry in there & let it soak for about an hour.
Swish it around every now & then. Brush them clean with an old tooth brush. I also follow up with a little squirt of liquid soap.
This is the best way to clean jewelry. I wouldn't use it on pearls, but it works great on everything else. I don't even have the jewelers clean my jewelry anymore, because this method does so much better.
Sources: my jeweler & me .
I have heard that putting them in a drop of Gin cleans rings. Not tried it myself! .
1 Toothpaste (or Windex) and toothbrush. Close the drain on the sink (just in case) and be gentle until you can tell how secure the settings are. I use either/both all the time, depending on whether I'm in the kitchen or the bathroom when I get the urge to clean my engagement and anniversary rings.
Toothpaste (or Windex) and toothbrush. Close the drain on the sink (just in case) and be gentle until you can tell how secure the settings are. I use either/both all the time, depending on whether I'm in the kitchen or the bathroom when I get the urge to clean my engagement and anniversary rings.
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