Is there a way to reset the Emacs keymap?

Well, Emacs will give you full control, there are a couple different ways to accomplish what it sounds like you're trying to do. To be successful though, I recommend you read and understand the Keymaps section of the manual. If your customized Emacs build uses any major or minor modes, you'll have to do special work to disable/override any keymaps they set.

Well, Emacs will give you full control, there are a couple different ways to accomplish what it sounds like you're trying to do. To be successful though, I recommend you read and understand the Keymaps section of the manual. If your customized Emacs build uses any major or minor modes, you'll have to do special work to disable/override any keymaps they set.

Of particular interest are the sections Creating Keymaps, Active Keymaps, Controlling Active Maps, and ... pretty much the whole chapter. I recommend starting with creating a basic keymap and overriding the global keymap with yours. That'd be a good start.

Probably the easiest way would be to do something like: (setq global-map (make-keymap)) (global-set-key ...) Though, you're also going to have to disable the major modes from setting up their keys, the easiest way would be to disable automatic choosing of major modes by doing this: (setq auto-mode-alist nil) Read the section on How Emacs Chooses a Major Mode. The question needs more detail to enable writing a more detailed answer...

This article is another good reference:… – phils Sep 18 '11 at 21:37.

You may bundle the features into a minor-mode with its own keymap. When the minor-mode is enabled, its keymap will be consulted before the global-map, overriding the latter in effect. When disabled, the default key bindings in the global-map will be visible again.

I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.

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