Is there any God of War movie coming out soon?

Well according to IMDB it says there is one in development but no date is set...Brett Ratner has confirmed that he has the intention of creating two video game movies one being God of War. He has said that his only fear is the story in the games isn't deep enough...I have found a video that states he is waiting for his God of War script to be approved... the video is from and can be seen here No cast has been specified at this point... Hope this answers your question to some extent...I'm definitely excited to see a movie come out! @tealmyster.

Seems like everyone's confused about that. I hope so! That would be cool!

Wonder if you could pick up any "cheats" from the film. "Sony Santa Monica's director of product development John who I also spoke with at the event, added, 'I don't believe anything other than a script has transpired at this stage. I think as part of the agreement that (the movie studio) is supposed to (consult us), so if we hear something, than we'll know.

But at this point and in the past two years, we've heard nothing. '" So if Sony's director of product development had no clue, it's not looking too good. Seems like they could make a mint off of it, wouldn't you think?

I like this picture a lot, especially the lava dude. Awesome! People who actually know the game probably know who the lava dude is.

I'll just leave it a really crazy wicked mystery.

It seems that turning games into a movie is somewhat of a trend lately. Sadly, most movie tie-ins are less of a success than one would think. Except for Tomb Raider, I still have to see the first successful, watchable game-based movie.

Please don't let them ruin God of War with a movie as bad as the Street Figher movie, or the Resident Evil ones, or Mortal Combat, or Doom, or Tekken or Far Cry or... Well, you get the idea... Sadly, they are also trying to change my other most liked game series, Prince of Persia into a movie, so if things really turn out bad, I'll end up with two of my most beloved game series ruined by Hollywood... ARGH! But to answer your question: Yes, they are indeed working on a God of War movie..Brett Ratner confirmed it.. Fortunately, the creators of the game are not linked to the movie, and even doubt it will ever become a reality: "I don't believe anything other than a script has transpired at this stage. I think as part of the agreement that (the movie studio) is supposed to (consult us), so if we hear something, than we'll know.

But at this point and in the past two years, we've heard nothing. " and "For them to make God of War, I'm not holding my breath. Which doesn't mean we don't have a great team, it's just that it's been a year really since any real motion has happened on that.

But it's not something that's on my radar on a daily basis. I don't think it's something that's really on Sony’s radar on a daily basis. I've been busy, and they’ve been busy with God of War 3, so anything that happens with it would be a surprise right now."

There is a God after all :).

I don't know about a movie comming out I hope there is but Vin Diesel should play kratos.

Yeah, like Teal says, it's on IMDB but no dates are there yet. Let's just all be thankful that Uwe Boll isn't going to be able to touch the God of War series. Ever see Bloodrayne?

Hard to stomach more than 30 minutes of it!

I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.

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