Celery has a strong taste, that goes well with mild tasting foods like cream cheese and peanut butter - you can stuff them into the groove as in the picture on the previous answer. You can spice up the cream cheese with a variety of additions to make it even better. I remember my stepmother made a cream cheese stuffing that had chili powder and walnuts - everyone really liked it - a treat over the holidays.
What follows is a cream cheese and blue cheese celery stuffing: southernfood.about. Com/od/.../r/bl40323u. Htm It is great in soups, those with tomato bases and those with cream bases.
You can use the leaves as well as the stalks. There is even a cream of celery soup from Cambell's Soups. 5 soup recipes folllow: suzette.typepad.Com/the_joy_of_soup/2003/.../celery_soup.
Html Cajun food would not be cajun food without it. See Paul Prudhomme's recipes for jamalaya, gumbo and lots of other dishes: topchefs. Chef2chef.
Net/recipes/chef-paul/ ... and we wouldn't have the classic Bloody Mary without it, would we?
Actually, yes. When I was in preschool, we would have ants on a log. Basically, you spread peanut butter on a piece of celery and then put raisins on top.It's pretty good.
(Thanks for bringing back some old memories too).
I love stuffed celery, you can also use a pimento cheese spread, or shredded cheddar or any cheese you like mixed with this recipe. Stuffed Celery Ready In: 15 Minutes Servings: 16 . " Ingredients: 1 (8 ounce) package cream cheese, softened 2 tablespoons sour cream 1/4 cup chopped walnuts 20 green olives with pimento, chopped 1 bunch celery, cut into bite-size pieces Directions: 1.In a medium bowl, mix together the cream cheese and sour cream.
Stir in the walnuts and chopped olives. Spread filling onto the celery pieces.It's also good on crackers.
I think celery is an excellent snack. But it is also amazing in homemade gravy or stuffing. Here's an excellent recipe for gravy.
This is delicious. postscript.cc/?cat=10.
If you are casseroling meat, then adding celery to the pot, along with onions carrots etc certainly adds to the flavor of the dish.
You can put celery in soups, stews, chop it real fine and put in tomato based sauces, eat with peanut butter. I'm sure there are many other things you can use celery for but those are some that I have seen and tried.
Celery Chutney ------------------------ Ingredients --------------- Celery - 5-6 stalks (chopped) Green Chillies - 4-5 Ginger garlic paste - 2 tsp Turmeric powder - 1/4 tsp Cilantro - handful Salt - to taste Asaefoetida - a pinch Mustard seeds - 1/2 tsp Oil - 2 tblsp
Add green chillies, ginger garlic paste and cilantro. Cook this for another 2-3 minutes. 3.
Cool the mixture and grind it to make a smooth paste. 4. Heat the remaining oil in a pan.
Splutter some mustard seeds and curry leaves. 5. Add the celery chutney to it along with salt, turmeric powder and asafoetida powder.6.
Simmer the chutney till the oil leaves separates. 7. This can be served with rice or roti and even spread over bread to make sandwiches.
Goes very well as a bread spread for sandwiches and for pancakes also.
Yes, as a peanut butter and celery snack. This is an old-standby. Spread the peanut butter in the groove the length of a washed celery stick - and enjoy!
Celery with peanut butter is one of the healthiest snacks you can have.
Celery is very good for juicing. Celery juice combats extreme heat. It is stated in website listed below.
I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.