Is there any way to quickly delete multiple emails in Microsoft Outlook 2003?

Similar questions: quickly delete multiple emails Microsoft Outlook 2003.

Ctrl+Click multiple messages, then Delete Open the folder you want to delete messages from. If it’s your inbox, select that. Make sure the Navigation pane is active (Alt+F1 to toggle it).

Hold down the Ctrl key, use the left mouse to click on each of the messages you want to delete, then release the Ctrl key and mouse button and press the Delete key or Ctrl+D. This will delete all of the messages you have highlighted. Sources: Shown .

Lots of different to select & delete But it all comes down to being able to select the stuff you want to delete. Once you've done that, just hit the delete key right click on a selected message for the pop-up menu and select the delete command select delete from the Edit dropdown menu Control-D . Now, the trick is how to select.

Hold down control as you click on various messages to select a bunch scattered around your inbox If you have to select a bunch in a row, click on the first one, then shift-click on the last one If you want to delete all of last week's messages, right click on a group header (where it says Today, Yesterday, Last Week, Last Month etc) and select Collapse all Groups. Find the group e.g. "Last Week" to select everything in that group. You can also use the old control-click and shift-click tricks.

Yes, just follow these steps... If they are next to each other in the inbox - Hold down SHIFT key and click the first one Scroll down to the last email and do the same, hold down SHIFT key and click the last mail then just press Delete Key and confirm the prompt. If the emails are not all next to each other then hold down the CTRL key whilst you click each email in turn before pressing the delete key. This will move them to Deleted Folder where you can repeat this process to delete permanently or if you prefer, Press CTRL + A to Selct All before deleting.

You can also set up in Options the ability to delete contents of Deleted folder each time you exit Outlook. Mike .

Yes, very simple ghlight the emails you want to delete. To do that, click on the first one you want to delete, then pull your cursor down to the last one you want to delete, hold the shift key down and click on that one. All of the emails between the first and last one will be highlighted.

Then click on delete and away they go to the "deleted items" folder. You can empyty that by right-clicking on the folder and then select "empty deleted items folder" which will permanently throw them out. If you don't have a solid block of e-mails you want to delete, you can do the same thing but select individual emails with the "CTRL" key (located just under the shift key).

Hold the ctrl key down, click on the emails you want to delete (they will become highlighted) and keep going down the page until you've highlighted the emails to delete. Then click the delete button. Same results... just more selective.Cheers.

Click on one email, right click, select all, hit delete or choose edit, delete .

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I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.

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