I have a sony mp3 player and it came with the SonicStage software to transfer music to the player. But it only works on Windows. Are there any softwares for linux that does the same thing?
(I know that there are some to substitute iTunes, for the iPod. ) Asked by gisellemnr 53 months ago Similar questions: transfer music sony mp3 player linux Computers > Software.
Similar questions: transfer music sony mp3 player linux.
Chances are that it supports the USB mass-storage standard and will show up as a removable disk... Most flash-based portable music players with a USB connector support the USB mass-storage standard and will act like a removable disk when plugged in. The only ones that may not are the Microsoft Play4Sure models from iRiver, SanDisk and others. But, even then, it's often just a matter of a firmware update.
Most players will be pre-formatted with a FAT file system. If your Linux installation is less than a few years old, just plug in your Sony MP3 player and see if it automatically mounts it as a removable drive (it should even show that it's a Sony device). You'll get a new desktop icon that you can double-click to browse through the contents.
Usually there is a specific folder for audio files, so just poke around and look for the music you've already transferred to the player. You can simply treat the player like a USB flash drive as long as you put the music in the designated audio folder. If you'd rather use an organizer to manage the transfers, with Linux, there never seems to be a shortage of audio players/organizers.
A few popular ones are: Amarok (http://amarok.kde.org/) Rhythmbox (http://www.gnome.org/projects/rhythmbox/) Songbird (http://www.songbirdnest.com/) If for some reason your Sony MP3 player doesn't appear as a removable flash drive, please post a comment with the model number of the player, name of the Linux distribution you're using and the output from the dmesg command. Open a terminal window Type the command "dmesg | tail -50 > /tmp/dmesg. Txt" (leave out the quotes and don't press Enter) Plug in your Sony MP3 player Press the Enter or Return key Paste the contents of the text file /tmp/dmesg.
Txt * My apologies if you already know this... the character between "dmesg" and "tail" is a pipe symbol (it might look like a lowercase letter "L" depending on your screen font). Links with more info: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/USB_mass_storage_device_class http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Comparison_of_media_players http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Unix_pipe .
Amarok works in linux with most MP3 players in USB mode According to the link I've provided, amarok supports:Multiple media devices supportA great number of media devices is supported by Amarok. To name just a few:* Apple iPod* iRiver iFP and T players* Creative Zen and Nomad players* Generic USB players* Generic MTP playersOf course, like any other open-source program, amarok is free, so if you can get your sony MP3 player to connect to the computer in a "USB mode" or "disk mode" or "MTP mode" it should work. Since you haven't specified the model of Sony MP3 player, I can't reccommend this other software for sure, but if you have a Sony MP3 player with a model number similar to NW-E00x try this project: http://sourceforge.net/projects/nwe00xmp3man It's written in Java, so it should work in linux as well as Windows (assuming you have java installed in linux).
Sources: http://amarok.kde.org/features .
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I want to transfer my music from my old computer to my Sony MP3 Player and back to my new computer. Is That possible?
I wish to transfer music from Documents to Media Player.
How do I download music onto a mp3 player via cd player onto my notebook.
How do I download music from from mp3 player to my computer.
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