I’ve heard some people say that Twilight is the new Harry Potter and then I’ve heard fans from both sides get very angry about that. One of the similarities I think is that both series have cult–like loyal followers that are obsessed and very protective of their series choice. Of course there are other similarities, in the same way that all movies fitting into a certain genre do.
Both like you said are in a fantasy setting with supernatural creatures and the main characters grow up within the pages of the books. Both Harry and Bella are normal everyday kids with pretty boring lives until through situations beyond their control they realize that the normal world around them is greater than they thought and with many more surprises and dangers. I think that is where similarities end.
The main difference between the two is Harry Potter is based more on the world where he finds himself while Twilight is based more on the romance between Bella and Edward. I personally think both are entertaining and I have no idea why there seems to be a war between the two.
The only real similarities or comparisons that the two movies have in common are few and far between. Both have their merits. But indeed there are some similarities.
Both have the fortunate longevity. Generations will come to know both sets of characters long after the stars have grown up. Just like the books Anything that has multiple books in a series is of course going to be similar.
Another thing that they do have in common is taking relatively unknown “ kids†making them the stars and rocketing them to instant fame. Since the books already had a fan base and the characters were given living breathing faces and life, these looks are now set in peoples minds, that carryover led to real life and gave each person instant stardom. It is hard for many fans it is hard to separate the character from the person.
The other similar problem could be type casting and that can hurt later on. Many kids who gained fame, often couldn’t get work or if they did, it was similar characters or knockoffs or were C grade movies. So the kids from Twilight will probably be typcast eventually.
But on the positive side, both will get residuals for the rest of their life if they signed a contact that had it in it!
Harry Potter and Twilight are 2 completely different stories and the only thing that is the same about them is the age group they were meant to be written for. Twilight was written for teenage girls(although I saw more middle aged women at the theater) and Harry Potter was written for all teenagers. I'm not sure how the Twilight movies have done over seas, but I think that might be another big difference between the 2 franchises.
Harry Potter started in the U.K. And then made it's way over here. Thinking back to the book releases you can make another comparison between HP and Twilight. The number of people waiting in line for the new book releases in both franchises rivals a new iPhone release and definitely is a spectacle to see.
Like at first-night midnight movie showings, people dress up in costumes to show their enthusiasm for the new books and movies.
Well, speaking for myself, I think the only comparison between the two is that they are both fantasy adventures, they both include stories about teenagers and the Christian Right hates both of them. Beyond that you’re talking about a Harry Potter world that takes place in England at a special school for wizards. Any love stories that emerge take a deep backseat to the adventures that Harry Potter and his friends engage in against the likes of Professor Snape etc….
Twilight is set in Seattle, Washington and the love story is the foremost theme in all the volumes. I really don’t see much in the way of any real similarities unless you really want to make some sort of a stretch. Of course, in my own personal opinion, Twilight is also AWFUL while Harry Potter is at least something I can stand.
I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.