Wow, a very interesting question, and very complex situation that we humans are in.
Yes sometimes it is an ego battle, rather than truly to help the people. Yes, government officials spend too much time doing research, arguing, theorizing. Yes, the process of helping solve world poverty needs to be changed.
Yes, people need to be taught how to take care of themselves, rather than just given handouts. The concept of "Teach a man to fish" is very true. As long as we are the current definition of "human," we'll always be part of some kind of food chain and lack of resources.
Hardships that are beyond human control like natural disasters, or poor societal organization will always have their highs and lows of success and failure. Therefore some people may always be stricken with poverty... (As far as I can forsee in this blip of a brief existence, anyway). As for some highlights on people's "solutions" for the problem.... (Krysstel brings out the "crystal ball") ... How about the concept of everyone being "equal"?
What if everyone in the world were "middle-class", whether they worked hard or not? There would be a lot of rivalry and resentment in society if everyone shared resources all the time... whether they "deserved it or not. " Again, this is based on the current definition of humanity.
Humans can be pretty possessive and territorial. Some say that people who live in "industrialized" nations are more: fortunate, smart, organized, insert various adjectives here. Therefore we, the people of industrialized nations, should donate a money and supplies to people who live in impoverished nations.
Then again, how does one define "impoverished"? Some people define extreme poverty as no money for necessities like food and medicine. This is understandable.
But where do we draw the line when defining "statistics" on world poverty? A perspective to consider... Were the Native Americans generally more or less happy than the people of industrialized nations today? Maybe they were more happy.
Some might say their lives were more simplistic. They didn't have to take prescription pills, escapism, and self-medicating drugs and alcohol just to cope with daily life. Sometimes simple can be good.
Modern day people I've known who live simple lives can be some of the strongest people you'd ever meet. Among those are farmers that are financially devastated each year because they can't afford to move out of a massive flood plain, or who experience crop failure or livestock loss. In other words, maybe there isn't as much suffering as we are led to imagine.
Maybe there isn't a "perfect answer" that would work as an institutionalized answer for every poor person. Perhaps some people live in places that have too many natural hardships (floods, desert, etc) and it's hard to resolve this primary cause. Maybe some people are happier living on the equivalent of 2 dollars a week.
Maybe they choose to not live with $500/mo. Cell phone bills. To each his/her own!
Let's all keep working on this, and not take a passive attitude. It could get worse if a non-commital or passive attitude is taken. Our activity, involvement and help will keep things the best they can be.
Maybe things will resolve much for the better, with everyone's participation, with time, with new attitudes. With work, dedication, faith, hope, charity and love, humans can do a lot! These sites and articles offer interesting opinions for people to read about this complex, ongoing societal issue.
I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.