That pretty much is my setup now: FX8120 Antec Kuhler H20 620 990FX motherboard 16gb ram Radeon HD7850 2gb 5040x1050 with triple 22" LCDs (AMD Eyfinity) I play BF3 will all settings at ultra, Crysis 2 with Ultra Settings, DX11 and HD texture maps in Eyefinity, Crysis 3 in Ultra & Eyefinity, Skyrim in Ultra, The Old Republic Ultra, and pretty much any game I have at the highest settings. Cody Tech, sure 8gb is more than enough...for now. And besides, the PC already comes with it since it's a pre-configured PC at best buy.
I got 16gb because newegg had a deal I couldn't pass up. Do I need it? No.
Does it hurt performance? No. Is it cool to have?
Hells yeah. Michael, you obviously don't know a thing about PCs. See my specs, I only recently upgraded to the 7850...previously I was on a Radeon HD6790, which was the lower end of the HD68xx series.
BF3 ran ultra settings on a single 22" LCD. I did have to run the game at medium settings when I switched to Eyefinity. But once I upgraded to the HD7850 I put all settings at ultra and eyefinity runs smooth and framerates are great.
To the Asker, no 16gb of ram is not going to overheat the system. What will overheat the system is dust clogging the fans and vents. I do 'spring' cleaning every couple of months.
Why does everyone think they need that much for gaming... 8gb is fine. If you're going to get an 8120 you might as well go for the 8150.... Make sure you get a big enough power supple as that thing will be a power sucker... And do you know what you're doing?
Hello sir/maam: Try to look at my PC specs here: If you've read it, you'll know that my PC specs are very inferior compared to yours. But I can perfectly play all of Modern Warfares, but not the Battlefield 3 (but I can still play it with the lowest graphics settings, it's fine). Although Battlefield 2 works fine.
Now answering your questions: 1. I'm sure you can play Sims 3. 2.
DMC- perfectly yes. If you know someone who knows about laptops, have him/her unlock the one more CPU. Since it's i5, there are 5 CPU, the 5th CPU is locked so there's only 4 working CPU.
My cousin unlocked my 4th CPU and overclocked their speed from 2.6Ghz to 3.2Ghz. It'll work for you also. 3.
No it won't damage your PC. But you need to play in a cold room. It won't damage the PC, but i'm certain it will damage your eyesight, just like mine, when I've played everyday for hours, my eyesight quite deteriorated.
My suggestions are that you add additional 4gb to your RAM, just like mine, to become 8Gb ram. That's the ultimate playing machine. Second to 16Gb ram i7 Processor.
Your Graphics Specs are superior to mine. I have Gt430 and COD MW3 doesn't lag. I'm extremely certain your PC won't lag playing those games.
Hi Mok If you go to Control Panel, from here you can do a System Rating. Go through the System Rating and wait for the scores to come through. 7.9 is the highest 1.0 is the lowest It will look similar to this:
If it is High, then you know your answer...
I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.