It is not bad if you use a shampoo that has a Ph balance of 4-6. These shampoos will not strip the hair like soaps of the natural oils or damage the shafts via swelling.
It's bad to shower everyday because you're stripping all your moisture from your hair and making it damaged and it's actually not healthy. For about a week try only showering every other day, or shower everyday and put your hair up. If you don't wash your hair every day, it will get greasy because it's become a routine and how our hair has worked.
So use a dry shampoo to absorb all the oil in your hair every other day when you don't wash it, and eventually your hair shouldn't get oily everyday. Hope I helped. :).
Your coworker is correct. Washing your hair everyday can be very drying on the hair. It can deplete your hair of necessary essential oils.It is not just the act of washing our hair that can be damaging, but also what we do after we wash.
Blow drying can dry the hair and so can other thermal hair tools such as curling irons and flat irons. If you can go once every other day, that would be more ideal and healthier for your hair. If you have dry hair by nature, you could even go once every two days.
Exception: If you have extremely oily hair, you may actually continue washing the hair everyday. You will want to rid the hair of oils and so you may then continue with your regimen. Extra Tip: When you do wash your hair, allow your hair to air dry instead of using the blow dryer.
This will help keep your hair in tip top shape.
It is true that washing hair everyday bad for hair. If you want to take bath everyday then not wash your hair with any shampoo or conditioner.
It's can be bad for your scalp as well as your hair. If you are really concerned about it, get good shampoo and conditioner. Don't use shampoo and conditioner that has a lot of wax in it, it builds up on your scalp and your hair.
Your coworker is correct. Washing your hair everyday can be very drying on the hair. It can deplete your hair of necessary essential oils.
It is not just the act of washing our hair that can be damaging, but also what we do after we wash. Blow drying can dry the hair and so can other thermal hair tools such as curling irons and flat irons. If you can go once every other day, that would be more ideal and healthier for your hair.
If you have dry hair by nature, you could even go once every two days. Exception: If you have extremely oily hair, you may actually continue washing the hair everyday. You will want to rid the hair of oils and so you may then continue with your regimen.
Extra Tip: When you do wash your hair, allow your hair to air dry instead of using the blow dryer. This will help keep your hair in tip top shape.
I take a shower everyday, sometimes twice a day. What I do is put on conditioner and when able to put vitamin mist back in the hair. If you have oily hair, it's not good for that oil to build up.
I can't go without washing my hair everyday but I use products to make sure my hair is not brittle or gets dried out. I don't blow dry my hair which is a plus. I say if you feel more comfortable washing your hair everyday, then do so.
Psychologically fretting about dirty hair is much worse than washing hair everyday. Hope that helps.
& Please Mention Why! Is It Bad To Wash Your Hair Everyday? Please avoid any drastic changes to the overall meaning of your question.
& Please Mention Why!
I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.