I haven't heard any such rumors, and I don't think her sexual orientation is at all relevant here, anyway.
No, but a couple of the other people being listed as possible justices by the media are. Sexual orientation is not one of the characteristics that qualifies or disqualifies a potential justice. If it were, then all heterosexuals would also be disqualified since they would tend to vote against gay rights.
There is a reasonable political preference for minorities to have at least one justice on the Supreme Court. However, there are a number of other minorities which are much larger that are not represented yet and women are very underrepresented. If they could locate a qualified woman who was a Oriental, Lesbian, Buddhist home brewer that would be a great help but probably one or two minorities are the best we can expect.
I don't think it is relevant at all. Saying that an openly gay justice would rule in favor of gay rights every time is like saying an African American justice would rule in favor of minority rights every time. If you have seen the list of Justice Thomas' rulings, you would know that is not at all true.
The main qualification for a Supreme Court justice is that they uphold the engraving that sits above the main entrance to the building. They don't prejudge cases, they judge them on the merits. So if a person is African American, hispanic, female, gay, or any other group, they will preserve equal justice for everybody.
The definition of OPENLY lesbian is that a woman announce publicly that she is a lesbian. Sotomayer has not made such an announcement so, no, Sotomayer is not OPENLY lesbian. Also, I've not heard that she is a "closeted" lesbian...and I'm an openly lesbian woman who usually hears such news long before the straight world.
She's butt ugly, divorced by 30 never remarried no kids. A real bitch from what I read. Your naive if you think someone with that kind of baggage will be anything except a dictator.
I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.