The problem is probably that your initialization code cannot affect the tooltip contents because they're not in the DOM at the time the initialization happens. They're only added when the tooltip is shown. I don't know what tooltip plugin that is, but if there's a way to add a callback to it that is invoked when the tooltip is shown, then you could put your initialization code in there edit — OK now that I can see that tooltip plugin, it looks like you can give it an "on_show" function in the options: dw_Tooltip.
DefaultProps = { sticky: true, klass: 'tooltip', showCloseBox: true, klass: 'tooltip2', // class to be used for tooltips closeBoxImage: '
ModalPageWide"). Colorbox({ width:"800px",height:"610px",opacity:0.6,iframe:true }) } This may need to be tweaked, depending on how that tooltip thing works. (I looked it over but I didn't thoroughly walk through it all.) If the tooltip contents are re-added to the DOM on each activation, then this will probably be OK; if, however, the tooltip sticks around, and depending on what "colorbox" does, it may be necessary to keep track of whether the tooltip DOM fragment has already been "colorboxed.
The problem is probably that your initialization code cannot affect the tooltip contents because they're not in the DOM at the time the initialization happens. They're only added when the tooltip is shown. I don't know what tooltip plugin that is, but if there's a way to add a callback to it that is invoked when the tooltip is shown, then you could put your initialization code in there.
Edit — OK now that I can see that tooltip plugin, it looks like you can give it an "on_show" function in the options: dw_Tooltip. DefaultProps = { sticky: true, klass: 'tooltip', showCloseBox: true, klass: 'tooltip2', // class to be used for tooltips closeBoxImage: '
On_show = function() { $(". ModalPageWide"). Colorbox({ width:"800px",height:"610px",opacity:0.6,iframe:true }) }; This may need to be tweaked, depending on how that tooltip thing works.(I looked it over but I didn't thoroughly walk through it all.) If the tooltip contents are re-added to the DOM on each activation, then this will probably be OK; if, however, the tooltip sticks around, and depending on what "colorbox" does, it may be necessary to keep track of whether the tooltip DOM fragment has already been "colorboxed".
Thank you very very much. You solved it. Here's the demo where it works jsbin.Com/ijeku4/9 – Evan Feb 7 at 17:51 I have a follow up question.
Instead of "hover", which is how the tooltip is being activated, do you know if a click could activate the tooltip? Jsbin.Com/ijeku4/9 – Evan Feb 15 at 17:13 Well I'm not very familiar with how that plugin works - however, that really would be a fine thing to ask as a separate question on its own. Somebody else might know!
– Pointy Feb 15 at 19:41 good advice. I did just that. Stackoverflow.
Com/questions/5008226/… – Evan Feb 15 at 20:32.
I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.