This lines of code do the trick of inserting the element you define bio media or dates before the other elements. Just have to edit the line below $('#bio'). InsertBefore($('.
Dropmenu')0); $('#media'). InsertBefore($('. Dropmenu')0); $('#dates').
InsertBefore($('. Dropmenu')0).
This lines of code do the trick of inserting the element you define #bio, #media or #dates before the other elements. Just have to edit the line below. $('#bio').
InsertBefore($('. Dropmenu')0); $('#media'). InsertBefore($('.
Dropmenu')0); $('#dates'). InsertBefore($('. Dropmenu')0).
Hmmm. Not sure I understand where these would do so would it look like this $('. Menu-bio').
Bind('click', function (event) { if ($('#bio'). Is(':visible')) { $('#bio').slideUp(); $('. Menu-bio').
RemoveClass('open'); } else { if ($('#media'). Is(':visible')) { $('#media'). SlideDown(function () { $('#bio').slideDown(); $('#media').
InsertBefore($('#dates')0); $('#dates'). InsertBefore($('#bio')0); }); } else { $('#bio').slideDown(); } $('. Menu-bio').
AddClass('open'); } return false; }); – Draven Oct 26 at 20:50 Ok I implemented the code you gave me and it works fine for media but when I try and do it to the others it starts working really weird. Here is it just under the media tab ericlanglay. Com/Jermaine/index.
Php – Draven Oct 26 at 21:18 you only change the first part, not the $('. Dropmenu')0. $('#').
InsertBefore($('. Dropmenu')0); – samura Oct 26 at 21:31 Yah I found that out pretty quick, haha. I changed the jquery (and reposted it in the original question up there) if you want to see what it looks like check out the link again.It still doesn't seem to be working right.
Not really sure why. Thanks, you've been a big help so far – Draven Oct 26 at 22:08 I think that if the div is already the first one, instead of inserting on top, it deletes.So try: if($('. Dropmenu').first().
Attr('id')! = 'media') $('#media'). InsertBefore($('.
Dropmenu')0); changing both media to the proper id. – samura Oct 26 at 22:50.
Use insertAfter to insert the container after the wrapper before slide down: $('#bio'). InsertAfter('. Wrapper').slideDown().
I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.