Today I stumbled upon this great answer by @robbrown on a serious business question: How do I handle Phase II of a project after a very bad experience with payment on Phase I
Well done Rob!
I selected this question, because I am usually interested in the Technology questions and I am nominating @stanar, because of his informative, descriptive but a bit lengthy answer.
I will put in a vote for @philipy Best Answer in this question, recently awarded. Finding a job is on the mind of a lot of people, today, all over the world. Applying, and being rejected for a job is becoming commonplace.It is very helpful to address this issue.
A person can learn to improve their odds of getting hired by reassessing their application skills. They can also learn that there are many people applying for each job, and to keep trying. Those who are most assertive, polite and skilled will be the ones that get hired.
Tenacity will pay off. @philipy 's answers were brief, concise, and true to the point. I've watch many young people seeking work in the past 2 years, and truly the factors he noted are what we've seen, too.
One other thing that younger (and everyone) need to be careful with is "What is your online profile like? " This would fit in with @philipy 's comment #3 about "something raising doubts". With a questionable internet profile, an employer may do further research.
Or, just not hire a prospective employee. They may ask the candidate about it, and ask for an explanation. If an employer finds something, they do need to find out how much truth is in it.
Wow, some nice answers here. But I am going to have to go with @phryne on the question: Where do green house gases come from? The reason being it is simply an incredible answer to one of the worlds most complicated and important issues.
This member really answers questions in depth. From what I've been able to tell, they are providing excellent information from personal subject knowledge and also including good source links. A great beginning for another new Mahalo member... (A kind of funny and at the same time interesting question as well).
I found this as a best answer of the day.. Why potential employees are rejected and the answer got the best one.. Best answer was given by Philipy
Krysstel had tons of personality @Krysstel I could tell that she put a lot of time into their answer. @Krysstel provided some cute pictures and a Video that shows that a dog can count, and do basic math. @Krysstel had a great answer, and I hope she wins the votes to the question.
I believe the best answer is phryn's which can be found here in the question where do green house gases come from. I believe it is the best answer because it provides detailed information which has been pulled from very good websites, notable the environmental protection agency. I also really enjoyed his closing sentence: "The point being that it's not just the absolute magnitude of the greenhouse sources that's relevant; it's the relative size of the sources and sinks."
It sets the point, completes the answer. Cheers!
I picked AngieM1981 for best answer. Found Here She got it perfect. Walking and doing moderate excersie along with eating the foods you love just LESS of them.
Eating fruit in the morning is a great way to get our sugars moving within our body's. You do not need to purchase "Healthy" food so to speak eating several small portions a day instead of three meals has been proven to work better for ourselves too. Also the fact that you do not need to purchase workout videos for downloading and doing them from right here is perfect.
If you are asking a difficult question that might require some research, or if you'd like a wide variety of feedback, a higher tip often leads to more answers to your question. I would like to recommend @stanar for his answer for the question by Brian San : Should we put a man on Mars? Why or why not?
I selected this question, because I am usually interested in the Technology questions and I am nominating @stanar, because of his informative, descriptive but a bit lengthy answer. Should we put a man on Mars? Why or why not?
I selected this question, because I am usually interested in the Technology questions and I am nominating @stanar, because of his informative, descriptive but a bit lengthy answer. You can leave an optional "tip" with Mahalo's virtual currency, Mahalo Dollars. If you are asking a difficult question that might require some research, or if you'd like a wide variety of feedback, a higher tip often leads to more answers to your question.
I will put in a vote for @philipy Best Answer in this question, recently awarded. Finding a job is on the mind of a lot of people, today, all over the world. Applying, and being rejected for a job is becoming commonplace.
It is very helpful to address this issue.
I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.