I always plant something with my class in the spring. I often have my kids plant sunflower seeds for minature sunflowers (the ones you can plant in a pot, they grow a couple of feet and are inexpensive) to give as a mother's day gift. They take about 6-8 days to germinate so the kids see results quickly.
Scholastic has a few books on sunflowers too, which I use when we are learning about planting and sunflowers. If you decide to give the plant/flower as a mother's day gift I would include planting and care instructions. Beans are also very quick and cheap.
You can put them in wet paper towel in a clear plastic cup and they will sprout in a couple of days, if you choose to plant them in soil, they only take 3-5 days to germinate. I usually let my kids plant 2-3 seeds in their cup in hope that they will all have one that grows. I also plant 3-4 extra cups myself in case we have a couple that don't grow and then I swap them.
Some kids get pretty upset when they don't see anything happening in their cups. Marigolds and cosmos also germinate quickly if you want to plant something that flowers.
Marijuana seeds. At least that way you can make a profit off the little f'ers. It's kinda like child labor....... but fun.
When I was in school (MANY moons ago) our teacher had us wet a paper towel, take green bean seeds and put them in a ziplock bag. They usually sprouted in like 4 days! I was so stoked and honestly, it's what started my green thumb (well, that and my granddad's tomato garden.
Gorgeous! ) So try green bean seeds - actually, most veggies will do well, avoid flowers as they are harder to grow (in my experience any way! ) Good luck and I hope the kids enjoy the project!
Radishes have one of the shortest intervals from planting to time of harvest.
Pumpkin seeds are great for young students. The seeds are large. They sprout in just a couple of days (in either soil of paper towels).
Kids can easily relate to pumpkins. You can create other lesson plans on pumpkins (lots of related stories and lore). You can have a snack of roasted pumpkin seeds or even the pumpkin sprouts!
Not only are they big and thus easy to handle for little hands, but they also sprout quickly. You only need dry lima beans, soil, and plastic cups (or milk containers) for the planting. You could also sprout them using damp paper towels.
You can read a great lesson about planting lima beans from this Scholastic page that also incorporates Jack and the Beanstalk: teacher.scholastic.com/lessonrepro/lesso... Hope that helps!
I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.