Lauryn Hill is returning to the music scene, what do you think?

Lauryn ll's excitement with regards to returning to the music scene has made some fans having mixed feelings, as for myself, I think we should give her a chance once more to prove her detractors or critics wrong. It can be recalled the her performances went downhill during the year 2008, but I think the singer was just not focused into singing at the time in the sense that she was looking after her kids. With her prolonged absence in the music scene, news of her return, eventually with her upcoming performances, it will surely reflect whether she have really taken stock about her life and recover some lost ground with new music artists sprouting from everywhere.

What would remain to be seen is her loyal fans which awaited her return.

I had not heard that she was coming back until now, and you've got me excited! With the Fugees, I loved her and I loved her solo as well. She has a certain passionate strength that is extremely admirable.

She, unlike other current female pop or hip hop stars, is a good idol for women due to her strength, independence, and wise words of experience. Her songs have soul and meaning too, making an absolutely wonderful combination. I am definitely looking forward to her coming back, I don't think there is anything wrong with it and I believe that people will welcome her back.

I'm excited for what new sounds and songs she's going to bring to the table and maybe involve some new feelings due to her being a mother now.

I have been a fan of Lauryn ll ever since I heard her sing 's Eye on the Sparrow' in 'Sister Act 2' with Tanya Blount. While some of her songs are not my personal favorite type of music, I do love her voice ever so much. I know you say she put her musical career on hold for her children.

I have read some bad press about her in the past about drug use. I do hope that she did indeed put her career on hold for her children's sake and not for drugs sake. I also really hope that she is able to handle the pressure.

Five children with a possible history of drug use can cause her to crack... I really hope she has healed and comes back strong. I wish her all the best and I can't wait to hear her singing soon.

I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.

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