Idea Number 1) Buy backstage passes to one of her concerts. If nothing else, this will be a fun event. However, before you go, talk to the organizers of the show.
Tell them that your daughter has CF, that you've bought backstage passes and was wondering if your daughter could say hi quickly before or after the show? Picking a low attendance location (IE: not LA or NY) is important. Hop a plane to see the concert at the smallest venue on the tour.
Idea Number 2) Prepare a simple press-kit like folder of information. Put the envelopes in your printer (maybe 3-5 at a time). Print on the front something like "My Daughter has cystic fibrosis and wants to meet Miley Cyrus.
Can you help? " The font should be large enough to fill the entire back of the envelope. Reserve the front for address information.
Put a little bit of information into 8.5x11 large white envelopes. Things like a hand signed 4x6 photo of your daughter, a letter, some general information about your daughter, why she wants to meet Cyrus, etc, etc. Include two letters, one from you (pro, to the point, contact information, etc) and another from your daughter (I'd like to meet Miley because...). Get creative and send more than just a letter in the envelope.
The more personal you can make the contents of this envelope the more effective it will be. It may take too much time to write a personal letter to each and every person who will receive it. However, if you can personalize the contents it won't seem like you mass mailed these.
Send 1 envelope to everyone you can think of. Starting with the Miley Cyrus fan club to every talk show host (worldwide) in existence to local news reporters to agents to ... well everyone. Anyone who has contact with her "people"... get this in front of them and the media that effects Cyrus' popularity.
If you would like further help designing the envelope, sending them out, or anything else, let me know. I will volunteer my time. Idea Number 3) Contact a busy, popular acting agent in your area.
These people exist everywhere; have a look in the yellow pages. Befriend this person (ie: bring muffins) and ask for help. Having someone who knows how to "talk the talk" AND who has a good cause behind them can make a huge difference.
I'm quite sure that Cyrus stops at hospitals and does other charity events. The only real question is aligning your schedule with where and when Cyrus is doing this. Stops like this usually aren't public information (to keep crowds down) but are quite regular.
The Make a wish Foundation is one of many, listed online:
Call tv stations and radio shows in your area. If you can get them interested in helping you, you might have a good chance! You will certainly have done your best!
See if your local children's hospital has resources to help. Best wishes to you both!
Miley is on Twitter (@mileycyrus) and she tweets many times a day. Start a campaign, sending her messages about how it would be important to your daughter. I've seen celebrities answering fans in Twitter.
Maybe it works, because Miley has a good heart.
Erm all my ideas have been said but I agree with the first answer, go to a company like make a wish foundation, good luck hope your daughter gets to see her :).
I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.