August 21, 2009 is labeled" rel="nofollow"> Avatar Day. Today, James Cameron showed his 15 minute preview to IMAX viewers around the world. I know I put his teaser trailer up for yesterday's news, but this is a different event, on a different day.
I've seen the 15 minute trailer, and wrote an extensive show-report on my" rel="nofollow"> Avatar page. I would also like to plug my M$2 question, which has disappeared from the front-page before anyone had a chance to see it. If you've seen the 15 minute preview, and write a good review on it, I'll include it on the Mahalo Avatar page, and you can earn M$2!(Yes, I really want this" rel="nofollow"> Avatar page to be filled with content).
For me, I think this is "Canadian forecasters say Bill to remain hurricane" - from Reuters. I just hope and pray that it wouldn't destroy much properties and take lives of others there. I hope the storm will lose strength if it still has to hit some lands.
The President of the United States, Barack Obama, released a video today on the behalf of the American people, offering a well wishing to Muslims in the United states and throughout the world. This well wishing was offered as the Islamic Holy month of Ramadan, the month Muslims believe the Koran was shown to the Prophet Muhammad, begins tomorrow August 22nd 2009 for most, some have begun today August 21st 2009.
The FDA announced today (via the Federal Register) that they are moving forward in requiring all Medical Device Reports from Manufacturers be submitted electronically. This is further evidence of the Agency's goal of utilizing technology to better protect US patients.
NEW YORK – Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke said what investors wanted to hear, that the economy is indeed on the verge of recovery, and they responded with a rally that sent the major indexes to new highs for the year. The Dow Jones industrials shot up 155 points Friday, closing above 9,500 for the first time since Nov. 4, and all the big indexes finished with gains of more than 1.5 percent. Meanwhile, Treasury prices tumbled, pushing yields sharply higher, as investors no longer felt they needed the safety of government debt.
The stock market's gains were broad, reaching across all industries, but the biggest jumps came from energy, industrial and material stocks as oil and commodities prices soared. Bank stocks also rose sharply." (this information was obtained from
Quentin-tarantino|Quentin Tarantino released his new movie! Inglourious-basterds|Inglourious Basterds opened on August 21st.
Today the United States recognized the first ever National Honey Bee Awareness Day. NHBAD is designed to bring awareness to the plight of the honey bee from pesticides and their effect on the honey bees and their possible link to Colony Collapse Disorder and how these plights effect the worlds agricultural products. I updated the Colony Collapse Disorder page and made a new page for National Honey Bee Awareness Day.
Ryan Jenkins, former "Megan Wants a Millionaire" contestant, is an internationally wanted fugitive for the murder of his ex wife, swimsuit model, Jasmine Fiore who was found dead on August 15, 2009. "Ryan Jenkins Not Arrested" Posted Aug 22nd 2009 1:15AM by TMZ Staff Buena Park Detective Lieutenant Steve Holiday tells TMZ that the U.S. Marshal's office informed his department the man arrested tonight at a Toronto airport was not Ryan Jenkins. Authorities boarded a plane and arrested a man they believed to be Ryan Jenkins, but authorities tell us it was not him.
Jenkins is still on the loose. The man taken into custody in Toronto tonight reportedly has been released.
Jackson's Death Ruled as Homicide Today, August 24th, 2009 Law enforcement told press today that Micheal Jackson's death is ruled as a Homicide because he was given a deadly combination of drugs just hours before he died. L eading authorities to suspect his doctor of manslaughter, court documents showed on August 24, 2009.
The Governor of Rhode Island Donald Carcieri announced today that in order to trim 68 million dollars from the state budget he would shut down the government. The shutdown would be held on singular days stretching over ten months, the first scheduled shutdown day would be September 4th 2009. The schedule has been set through June 2010. Scheduled list of shutdown days Quote from the Governor, “I'm not prepared to ask our citizens to pay more taxes so that I can maintain a revenue stream to the cities and towns. No! €?.
On August 24, 2009, Alaska Airlines renewed its request for DOT against Virgin America's citizenship, questioning whether Virgin America complies with US foreign ownership and control restrictions on domestic reference I've updated my Alaska Airlines page with this news. Also (out of contest), no day is complete without an Avatar news item: The Avatar trailer, which has been issued on August 20, 2009, has shattered download-records for It was downloaded over 4 million times in the first 24 hours. reference. This news is of course also updated on my avatar page.
This went largely unnoticed, but is a huge change in our country's policy on interrogation. Essentially, the CIA will be maimed when it comes to interrogating Al-Qaeda. This will be big and is developing.
Looks like the focus will shift to the FBI
As many as 20 people were washed out to sea today by a wave generated by Hurricane Bill in Acacia National Park in Maine. Three people were rescued today August 23rd from the waves and and at least two more are missing. Among the rescued was a 7 year old girl who was unresponsive at the time of her rescue.
Nine people had to be hospitalized. The rescue continues as the United states Coast Guard has multiple aircraft on the scene mobilized from Coast Guard Air Station Cape Cod. --edit As of 17 minutes ago the 7 year old girl has died.
I will keep the page updated as I get more info. Rescue video below. Photo from Milbridge ME.
The main news item I found today: Israel and Sweden are clashing over an 'organ harvesting' article, called "Our sons are being stripped of their organs". A Swedish newspaper ( Aftonbladet) had run a story on illegal organ harvesting and trafficking, in which Israel was involved. The Swedish newspaper published a second article this sunday.As a retaliation measurement, Israel immediately revoked all press credentials for Swedish reporters, effectively cutting them off from reporting from Israel and Gaza.
These latest actions by both parties are quickly escalating this conflict, which now also involves Israeli prime minister Netanyahu. So far, none of the involved parties seems willing to back off.
In the world championships in Berlin, Usain Bolt broke his own world record in the 200 meter sprint. The Jamaican took the gold with a run of 19.19 seconds. Earlier in the competition he also ran the 100 m sprint in 9.58 seconds to set another world record.
As what could be described as a foreboding omen of global warming, the National Climatic Data Center reported today that this July was the warmest ever for average ocean water temperature. The average water temperature is now at 62.6 deg. Fahrenheit this breaks the previous record set during a Pacific El Nino in 1998.
The Gulf of Mexico was measured at around 90 deg. Fahrenheit, fueling the potential for larger and more dangerous hurricanes if they were to pass through. Most noticeable near the Arctic where the water temperature was as much as 10 deg.
Fahrenheit warmer.
On August 20,2009, the second trailer to the upcoming Avatar movie was released via iTunes. It is the advent to 'Avatar Day', the day that James Cameron will show 15 minutes of his upcoming blockbuster movie in IMAX theaters around the globe. The Avatar movie is by many already seen as the movie of the year, with a budget of $300 million, and will be a pivotal project in the career of James Cameron.
The second trailer was announced via iTunes with a count-down on the homepage. When the trailer went live, the official homepage of the Avatar movie went down because of the unanticipated attention. The trailer is also available in HD through iTunes.(Note to Jeff: is it possible to link to HD iTunes content on a Mahalo Page?) Tickets to the 15 minute preview are sold on ebay for as much as $1,000.
I've tried to add some news items about this on my page, but as you can se here, I failed. I'll definitely try again today.
The Libyan man jailed in Scotland for blowing up a US airliner over Lockerbie in 1988 has returned to his home in Libya after being set free. The Scottish government released Abdelbaset Ali al-Megrahi, who is 57 and has terminal cancer, on compassionate grounds. US President Barack Obama said the move was "a mistake", and some relatives of US victims reacted angrily.
Most of the 270 people who died in the bombing were Americans. In a radio "We have been in contact with the Scottish government, indicating that we objected to this. We thought it was a mistake.
Afghanistan opened it's polls for a presidential election and 11% of them have been closed due to attacks by Taliban. Washington has gotten agreements from close to a dozen different countries to accept our prisoners from Guantanamo Bay. Washington is ready to announce that the projected deficit is going to be about 262 billion less than they thought because they are using the reserve they set aside for Wall Street.
North Korea announced that they think that they are owed direct talks with the US since they released two detained American journalists. ( Obama Admin declined due to the nuclear issues ) An arrest warrant was issued for Ryan Alexander Jenkins. I think the election is the most important, due to the war and our troops being there.
I hope it goes the way it will save the most lives. P.S. I finally finished my brainstorming and decided what pages I would like to start. So first page tomorrow.
The Lockerbie bomber Abdelbaset al-Megrahi, who was imprisoned by Scottish courts for the 'sole' execution of the Pan-American 747 bombing returned home to a crowd of thousands of cheering young men and was escorted from the plane by Gadafi's son. Questions still accompany this case. Was he able to plan and execute this alone?
Was he actually involved at all or just a sacrificial lamb as evidence was tenuous? Having been convicted of killing 270 people should he have been allowed early release on compassionate grounds? Photo from
I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.