Microsoft Security Essentials Alert virus help. Everytime I open anything, including IE, command, system restore MSE pops up and says that 'Unknown Win32/Trojan' is a detected problem and needs to be remove, but if I click apply actions or clean computer it ends up failing and sends me using other anti-virus remover programs. How do I get rid of this...btw I have windows 7.
Asked by MattAtk 16 months ago Similar questions: Microsoft Security Essentials Alert virus help Computers > Security.
Similar questions: Microsoft Security Essentials Alert virus help.
Ugh! By clicking on these popup windows you may actually be installing and downloading malware. If you can, you need to download MalwareBytes, SUPERAntiSpyware, Trend Micro's House Call and Spybot Search & Destroy.
If you can't download them on your computer, you may need to go to another computer and download these program and then copy them over on a DVD or USB flash drive. Also disconnect your PC from the Internet, and you may also want to run these programs in safe mode. These programs will help you root out the malware.
If these programs don't remove all o fthe malware, you may need to buy PC Tools Spyware Doctor. This program is the best there is for removing stubborn malware and works great! .
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I just got a nasty little rouge anti virus called (security tool )on my new Lap top,it keeps popping up.
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Computer Experts, please. I keep getting an alert on my laptop that says "you have a security problem.
I instaled norton in my system but in my security center my virus protection is showing tht my sys is nt monitered.solve.
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